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i've been watching all her videos on youtube. she is so talented and has such a unique sound and vision. one of my favorites is "one minute man." it was before i knew about sex stuff and was listening to it on repeat. i remember my sister asking me if i knew what the song was about and i said no. i asked her and she

See, I'm starting to get convinced that even with cameras, the problem officers are just going to keep doing shit with impunity, because they know they won't receive any sort of punishment or consequence.

Miss Lebanon didn't even spell "Israel" right in her stupid fucking post.

Sometimes I wish we weren't dependant on an old ass document created by people who owned human beings as property for our ethical decisions.

Considering I have sucked dick for free, I would say this is an upgrade.

I love how they have the guests just hanging out together, rather than individually.

Well look at that. I've seemed to have ruined my panties.

Let's start a club! Never Heard of It and Still Don't Care for It!

Damn, and the dog is even black. :(

Very important question: was this person from Florida?

*commits grand larceny*
*gets called daring/resourceful instead of a thug*

Shouldn't the title change from 'Relatable' to 'Idiotic child steals from family..."

Is anyone else thinking she's lucky she is white?

She stole *fucking 10,000 dollars*. Goddamn kids.

Needs moar starz

That is literally the exact opposite of what is happening in this story.

Yes, but did the medical examiner *watch the tape?* Because Jojofriends did! Also, googled "asthma attack," so really, how could you possibly be more prepared to weigh in on this matter than Jojofriends is?

Medical examiner said cause of death was the throat being crushed.

Pro Tip: Not everyone cares about living close to water.

He searches his own name out and responds to people who aren't even tagging him on Twitter. If you say his name, he will appear. He is like the goddamn Candyman of Twitter.