LOL "when you're finished, simply slide the chips back into the can."

see, this is what I'm talking about. Taking these things that aren't really a big deal and calling it sexism. Getting hung up on a simple manner of semantics such as using "girls" to collectively refer to a group of women, and you don't think you're being oversensitive? You honestly never used the term "girls' night

I might be showing my nerd too hard, but the original Justice League only contained one female member, the exalted Wonder Woman, and frankly I expect accuracy in comic book movies (though Marvel continues to disappoint me with this). Who knows, maybe if the (accurate)original League makes for a popular enough release,

The fascination with Mindy Kaling is so tiresome.

I'm far too cynical to believe she did this with an ounce of compassion for those who would be hurt by this. Money talks. Elections talk. That said, glad she had the sense to veto.

I heard a rumor that they could take away the Superbowl from AZ if they passed this bill. The NFL did it once before to AZ when they refused to recognize MLK day.

That seems like an absurd statement.

Um, no. This "feminist warrior" is the same woman who told her previous employee she would be willing to let her unborn baby "wither and die inside of (her)" after cutting off her health insurance intentionally to deny crucial medicine so she could manipulate her into dropping her lawsuit. Claire (just like Frank)

Then again, white guy.

why is this family's grief any more important than anyone else's grief? do we all put up mementos of our loved ones? i think that there are better ways to memorialize someone without being narcissistic about it.

Pretty sure your right to mourn does not extend to more than three months of mementos piling up in a residential neighborhood. That's what cemeteries and one's one home altars and general interiors are for. Three months is plenty long enough for a public display on public property. I empathize with the family, but

Hmmm, yeah, but taking over traffic signs and street "furniture" to create memorials is, in my view, not cool. Not safe, not visually pleasing, and even a little invasive. Yes, tragedies happen all the time around us, and, yes, people are entitled to mourn as they feels appropriate. But there are some unspoken limits

I'm here to say that I have been to THREE Janet Jackson concerts and if you did not get to see Ms. Jackson (yeah, I'm nasty) in concert, I'm sorry. I'm very sorry for you. For real. My heart goes out to you because you missed out on so much awesomeness.

If they outlaw blowjobs and butt secks only the criminals will have blowjobs and butt secks.

I'm shocked that this many people know who Jay Mohr's wife is.

Somewhere at the offices of A&E, someone is thinking: "A star is born."

"This stinks of Cloverfield."

In other words, you were all set to write a Jez article criticizing critics for obsessing about Kate's weight. When they didn't come, you had to write your article anyway, so you wrote an article about the lack of critics obsessing about Kate's weight. Okeedoke.