
Basically, he wants a lady in the streets but a freak in the bed. They also have english translation and song explanations on teh interwebs

Thank you for the response...it makes me sad, even though that's the answer I assumed.

I'm not even sure if there is a simple answer to this, but I know a lot of people wonder: Why aren't more JRPG's brought to america when there is such a massive fan base? Example, why don't we get all of the Monster Hunter titles that Japan does?

dammit lol and I just bought my 560ti

I'll have to see how it compares to the 560 ti. that's all I really care about.

Sam, this was fantastic. I don't care who likes apple and who likes android, it's personal preference honestly. But I love that even though you are an iPhone guy, you gave it a try :) The plus is that you enjoyed it, it makes me excited for jelly bean!

And with the nerf to nether ele arrow...

Ha! Touche! Thanks man.

Whatever the reason, there are some things that need to be clarified/fixed here. Someone probably pointed it out but I'm not searching through every comment.

I'm so sorry Mike...I have a cat I love like a son, and I can't imagine losing him. I'm very sorry for your loss, RIP Rande.

I don't know the whole list, but one thing is a special mount

This isn't really new tech, doesn't onLive already do this? Anyway, server side rendering isn't new, and what it means is you pay less in hardware for graphics processing, and you eat up a LOT more bandwidth. So if you have a data cap, that can suck

I loved the game honestly, but there is nothing to do end game. There aren't really any world bosses to farm, no difficult mobs to farm, money is easy to get, theres no rare materials to farm for. My issue is I love killing mobs and getting rare drops which there is none of. There is no pvp outside of warzones. All

When I started playing, I was like man I love the combat, but damn these typical quests. But then I got the fight BAMs (the Big Ass Monsters) and it's easily my favorite part. Seeing if me and one other can kite something for 20 minutes and try to down it, to get massive XP and awesome loots is just so fun. The

I'm just impressed u remembered this post almost a year later lol.

I quit a couple months after Wotlk, I just got bored. I think I started playing right when ZG came out.

I put a combined 200+ days played into wow...wait that just sounds sad.

To a degree I agree, average Joe isn't always smart with money. I disagree that it was egotistical, and I'm not about to judge someone who's position I've never been in. Maybe it's just difference in character, and although the argument of whether it was an ego trip or not, this type of announcement of generosity

I'm gonna be 100% honest, if I had 3 million and decided to give it away to my employees, I would have no problem saying I did. Call it what you will, but he's obviously proud of his employees, he feels they deserve it, and it's probably better than people saying "yea that rich fuck notch gets all the fame and money,

Amen. You can't say she's to blame for not sinking to his level. She does the best she can to stay polite and not escalate the issue, and he continues to make the situation worse.