mother of God. +1000
Steve McNair is probably really glad he isn't apart of this organization anymore.
lol I hate you
In your defense, I could also care less about what people are doing at a baseball game. Pointless article. Just posting to post at this point.
I love you +300000 <3's
between the above comment, and your GIF ... I love my morning now.
Sounded like a girl died in the arena during the first goal
Anybody can be a fat trash talking idiot ... it just so happens my home town of Philadelphia has a lot more of them than anyone else.
hahahaha +1
Real fans beg like dogs to be let back in.
Definitely gotta create my better education purple dinosaur applejack's sawdust
Wow, he embellished that fall more than Bosh.
3rd sentence into your review I stopped because anyone who uses "their" instead of "they're" should clearly not be trolling. As for your grade of C at the bottom which I noticed .. I just want to say that you're an idiot.
oh, this ... +1