Did anyone happen to catch the Deltawing’s latest flameout during the yellow? Definitely a keeper for its already lengthy highlight reel of epic fails.
Did anyone happen to catch the Deltawing’s latest flameout during the yellow? Definitely a keeper for its already lengthy highlight reel of epic fails.
“The manner in which I dare is...”
The doors unnecessary....not the hinge.
Lucky bastard. Most of the Prii I see are doing 64mph in the left lane
She’s a good driver.
Critical Massholes.
It’s weird to think that an inline six is assciated with non-American cars. Before the 1980s inline sixes were probably the most common engine configuartion in American cars.
My condolences to the family but if you are stupid enough to try and start a fight with a race car then that’s your ass
The only thing that is appalling is Kevin Wards Jr.s Family and their lawyer.
I always have been, always will be smitten by the Viper.
“What’s more chickenshit than fucking with a man’s automobile? I mean, don’t fuck with another man’s vehicle.”
This is a good idea. I’ll be reading these and comparing them directly to C&D articles. Let the battle: BEGIN.
Thank god for Little Boy and Fat Man. Who knows what Asia would have looked like today had the Japanese managed to manufacture atomic bombs of their own.
You picked the wrong Liberty Mutual commercial. This one makes me want to shoot the TV.
Only reason to put on driving gloves is if 1) you ride a bike or 2) have a spaghetti-thin steering wheel or 3) are an Asian woman in a Darth Vader mask who thinks being pale makes people think you’re rich.
That we, in our free time, want to fix and/or modify your car for free. Usually this happens while you hang out in my garage, touch everything, and spew car diarrhea from your mouth that is incredibly inaccurate. Your cousins exboyfriend did not have a mint 9-sec Fox Body, ever. I would have known about him and the…
The whole “big truck or flashy sports car means you have a little dick” thing really never sat right with me. Now it’s applied to just about anyone with a nice car that can be seen as somewhat ostentatious.
Forget Snap On!
Surely the world will not miss any of the Bin Laden family. Good riddance.