
Hang on, hang on.

I look at it and I’m reminded that right this second there’s Millions of people the world over who’d give their left arm to have had your ticket in the genetic lottery that allowed you to be here instead of Bumfuckistan.

Now if the guy had a big ass piece of property where such Tom foolery couldn’t hurt anyone else I’d be the guy yelling “FUCK YEAH!”. Kids close to that age rip on motos, BMX bikes and karts all the time.

Heads to Craigslist with Lemons in mind......

I too would seriously consider a short wheelbase Tahoe with a diesel. I’m not sure the one in the Colorado would have enough oomph and I have a feeling the NVH from the one in the 3/4 ton might be a turnoff to most SUV buyers. A third Diesel engine that slots between would be ideal but probably isn’t practical.

TDI or nah

Great reply.

My wife puts hers atop the center console. Drives me nuts.

Seems like every time there’s a Jalop article about a current or past product marketed specificly to women the lions share of the reactions are a: not positive & b: centered around the premise that it was men who designed the product w/o input from women.

Miata engines can be swapped in less than 40min in the cold pit at the 25hr.

$5 says it took Steph longer to write this post than it did for Audi to fix the car.

Carbon fiber tub.

Never wrecked or ra......um.....rust free!

I must find a way to replicate this.

Didn’t get a call...damn.

I know you can't buy beer inside the stadiums of Pac-10 (I know, I refuse to use it), can you in other conferences?

It's the WNBA of Motorsports

So kinda the same thing.

An older fellow such as myself is left wondering......”What the fuck is MDMA?”

Oh my