
Funny.. i use the same scale.

If the MTA/LIRR on 7/20 goes on strike .. damn right its lawful to shit on top of those trains. EFF them.

Isn't the name of the game to get the most out of your experience while spending the least amount of money? Only spending $20 while going to the strip club in wind pants ... i think that is a success.

I searched for a GIF of her smacking herself in the head ... no win. I sowwy.

If you have the time i would like to share a story as well, which is similar. It is about my struggles growing up in the hood, then one day my life got turned upside down.

Thank you for sharing the Banter between you and Max Read .. this probably would of taken place over a google hangout or lync instant message .. but I truly laughed out loud reading this.

I did not hear one "WorldSTAR! This is going on WORLDSTAR!" the entire clip .. i am disappoint.

but you do notice how he restrained himself from hitting her in the first place when she was choking him.

I'll stick with girls chucking tshirts or shooting tshirt cannons instead of guthrie ... orrrrr NAKED girls shooting baseballs out of a cannon .. now that is an idea

The only thing right about that video is the BIG OL' GHETTO BOOTYZ

Missing "The Patriot" on Church Street. Jus sayin'

Any solid co-ed team that wants to win ... Choose lesbian girls as your teammates. So you don't have to worry about dudes fucking the chicks and screwing things up ... On the flip side now you can try and turn one.

Lol keep ya hog in your pants Burke

What movie or show is this from?

tl;dnr :: clickbait

Drew you are right .. NYC has the highest bums per Capita. I'm in my tail end of my 20's been working in NYC for almost 7 years. I have almost been stabbed (or thought I was about to be) countless times by crazy bums who think I either looked at them funny or made a remark (which my make-no-eye-contact rule while

Ain't that the truth brother!

depends ... are you going to hang him/her?

That makes two Brian's committed to the cause

I was trying to think of something whitty... but jesus .. you win the internetz sir