That trasspassing thing... ahhahahahahah 90% of Pokemon I see are In people houses or dorms or on a cliff or 500 m into the sea!
That trasspassing thing... ahhahahahahah 90% of Pokemon I see are In people houses or dorms or on a cliff or 500 m into the sea!
Exactly... I have my HP Pavilion for 6 years now.
Added some RAM. Removed the DVD for an SSD. Modded the BIOS...
BTW. I still play some latest titles on low. With OC of course..
I am Polish... and its the first time I see those posters... amazing... wow! pss!
All You need is a jet engine... :D
LOL! I’m one day older then Super Mario... :D
No... :D
Hmmm... its surprising to me... that... I didn’t know about this game.
after 20 minutes...
But I just remembered.. that I pissed my parents badly about it... Because I wanted it soooooo much and they said it was not for me because it had guns in it... hah!
They took me ... Dr. Mario :/ I hated that game! :D
Back to the…
soooo... I need a PS4...
Exactly.. It was one of the best games EVER! The blood sucking .. the soul sucking.. the puzzles.. the narrative.. the whole lore.. The only game I can compare it to.. is Shadow Of Mordor.. Really great memories..
Exactly. I was to say that. Beside that.. where is the logic on this.. Why not make a autonomus quad bike..? Or.. eemm.. buy Google Car put some mini-guns on the roof.. and voila!
For me this is totally idiotic.
I dont want to sound like a troll but... from what I saw.. Rumba is better...
Thanks HenryKillinger and Unorthodox for this extensive explanation. Even Yours debate is enlightening.
So You got Your good points. Now I understand better the situation.
You know...
We hear a lot about those things in Europe and we do not fully understand those arguments. Most of people here are against firearms...…
I'm european so I need to ask. How the hell You get a .50 cal sniper rifle legally?
Is this legal? You need a special permission for it? Or the standard Gun permission?
Is it like... I'm a hunter and I need a .50 cal rifle.. ??? can someone explain it to me.
No I'm not interested in buying any guns. Just asking. this is a tool for monitoring an amount of cyber attacks over the globe.
We can all draw our conclusions from it. Its not only LizardSquad... thats attacking... thats for sure.
neither me....
first I thought this... is very disturbing.. for a living room thing.. geez... but uff.. it would be good to take people to donate blood.. while gaming.. Very nice idea.
Well. I live in Greece. And its the same here. Beside the crisis thing. Microsoft does not seem to care at all. The sales on the PS4 are good, I even saw an ad on TV. But XBOX.. eem... nothing.. no ads. I got only one email regarding the launch of XBOX... from only one chain store. (And I have singed for all the chain…
no, thats the sense...
Mine was Damian... and my ex name... (the Renagade play.. yea she was a total bi...tch) not saying it... for good reasons.. :P