
I was really hoping when I saw “Octavia Spencer and Julia Louis-Dreyfus” in the headline that it might be a female-centric film. 

I was so worried! Though when I did phone banking everyone I talked to was really amazingly positive. (I phonebanked in the SUPER liberal parts.)

OOoo. I once had dinner at Blue Hills Stone Barn -- $800 with no wine pairing. (I'm not a drinker which makes the spendy meal splurge more reasonable.) It was worth it. 

I bought a house... A condo in one of the most insanely overheated hipster markets in the country at the height if the bus ble in 2008. We knew the market was going to crash, because it had to but our infant was about to become a toddler and we needed more too and even at the overblown prices, it was slightly more

I lost a much-hoped-for baby at 14 weeks. I had to take misoprostal for $10 to get the fetus out in the comfort of my own home or have a D&C at the hospital for hundreds, maybe thousands of dollars, legs in stirrups, florescent lights on my face, cold speculum all up in there.

He’s ours until he dies. Normally I don’t wish for death on someone but since carrying a child to term is pretty deadly in the US (more deadly than being a cop most years) and he plans to kill Roe v Wade, he’s going to be responsible for a lot of deaths. So, here’s hoping for a heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, cancer,

I was 22 and had just broken up with a LT boyfriend. I was at some interminable family weekend and my cousins and I were trying to figure out how to be adults together so they took me to a local bar with some friends, including a 28 year old guy who I’ll call Tony.

Tony was the opposite of everything I’d ever dated —

My first sexual assault happened in the 7th grade. I also remember the laughter.

I’ve always thought that dudes used it as a way to use social pressure to get her to say yes, if he wasn’t sure, and a way to stroke his own ego so he can strut around and tell this wild story. 

Karl and I dated off and on and off and on again throughout high school. In freshman year, he dumped me (for Vicki) on Valentine’s day. In the hallway of the school. Between classes. And gave Vicki a locket.

Rosalind Franklin is unsurprised. 

So I grabbed the book to read before I saw the movie and I’m shocked to tell you all that the movie is BETTER than the book! Like, much better!

The book was billed as Austen-esque but lacked her compassion and insight, throwing it over in favor of lavish designer label porn or vicious caricatures. The women in

It’s OK. Those of us whole love these movies are already aware of just how stupid they are. For me, at least, half the fun is the bad plotting/expo dumps. I prefer movies where I can lean over to my husband in the first five seconds a character is on screen and say “he’s the bad guy under deep cover.” I find

Im glad it did well, because that ensures a sequel and maybe they will begin to resolve *any* of the themes they teased. I’d like to see, do they manage work life balance? Does Mr. Incredible get over his resentment of his wife? Does anyone notice that the females are the ones who volunteer for child duty? How do you

In my 40s, I’m only slowly coming to understand the effect Annie Savoy had on me as a young teen. She was a model of womanhood I’d never seen before (and not much since) — forthright in what she wanted, willing to be different out loud, and non-apologetic about those things. I was probably the only 14 year old in

Thank you. I remember watching this ep and getting really mad but I couldn’t quite articulate why. I hadn’t thought about it since then because I was so furious at the final season that I never revisited it.

Sir B still has a flip phone. (It’s a new one, rather than a legacy. He drops them in water regularly.) He swears he’ll never upgrade.

KJ Charles’s society of gentlemen is a great m/m seriesthat deals explicitly with matters of class and societal injustice.

Andrews’s Inn Keeper series is also fun! And it crosses over with the Edge!

I feel like there’s a chance that Michelle’s pieceworkskirt is a nod to the quilts of the underground railroad?