You forgot the whole part where they don’t believe women when she says she was raped... cause it’s not “legitimate rape rape”.
You forgot the whole part where they don’t believe women when she says she was raped... cause it’s not “legitimate rape rape”.
If these were stories that were representing the sexual assaults in a reasonable and realistic way — if the women had agency and were treated like people instead of props, or worse, like the motivation for some male character — then it would be reasonable. But they are usually treated like some “edgy” set dressing to…
It’s about damned time!
I hate Jess like liver and even I thought those were excellent arms.
OMG yes. So much yes.
ASP clearly never spent any time at all in new England after she was inspired to make the show. Her grasp on even basic new England stuff (zucchini in May? No one calls any highway the I-anything) was always jarring to me, a Connecticut resident and New England travel writer.
I have a theory! Every woman I know who doesn’t like GG has a sane relationship with her mom, where both parties respect each other’s boundaries. Those of us with toxic moms enjoy the show because it’s our life, but cuter. I have only a tiny data set to work from, however. This thread could make or break my theory.…
They aren’t even refusing service! They haven’t even refused to say Trump! They... took too long to give the dude his coffee?
No no. I’m like 98 percent sure he’s against equality IN marriage. The wimmin folks need to be subservient to the men, dontchano? THAT’S real marriage. (There’s actually an interesting philosophical debate that the reason the GOP fought against gay marriage was that it provided a model of a marriage without women… might be useful to you
I went through some crisis or something last week and now my brain is mostly this white noise buzzing place. I can function, as long as you don’t ask me to think hard, but I think my nervous system was just like “Fuck it.”
I have ice cream in the freezer for when my nervous system starts caring again.
I am an Old and was in college when the Disney animated movie came out, therefor I have no particular affection for it. The story has always been one of my least favorite fairy tales. It’s pretty, I guess? But in the end, I would rather see Emma Watson doing many other things.
Is it bad that I’m watching those people exit and the clock on the video and thinking “Why the hell does it take ME fifteen minutes to exit a plane if they can empty the whole damned thing in 45 seconds?”
And the risk of death in child birth. Maternal death rates are ridiculously high in u.s. I was more likely to die giving birth than I am driving.
Because they don’t want to prevent abortions. They want to punish women for having sex.
Trump assaults women retail. Pence does it in an industrial level.
OMG YES please! I’m home sick the past few days and was looking for any show, please, that is funny and *not* about a “charming” manbaby trying to learn to be a human being. That seems a nearly impossible combination, apparently. (I settled on Parks and Rec.)
AMEN! I learned to sew when I got fat because I love natural fabrics. Finding linen for a reasonable price is impossible so I bought $7/yd stuff and learned. A few weeks ago another plus sized lady asked me where I got my top (swingy linen tank) and when I told her I’d made it she clutched my arm and whispered in…
True story! KidB has a BFF who I’ll call Susie. When Susie was three or so, she was going through a phase where she drew stick figures with their genetalia. Because three. One day she sees a picture of KidB and said, “there’s here hair, those her arms, there’s her belly button, and that’s her Volvo.”