
Me, too.

I support Hillary. But I admit that I was nervous about her running. Watching the racist backlash caused by Obama made me very nervous about the sexist backlash against Hillary. I am still pretty sure she’ll win but I’m convinced violence against women and sexist crap will escalate dramatically when she does.

MY goodness. Was this comment *intended* to be a commentary on the condescending berniebro?

Also, and I know this is radical and weird, maybe the state house could have a care center, you know, during the day, so that mom could leave her babies there and then pick them up after she’s done with work and take them with her to a hotel or apartment in the area. Senator Mansplainer may not know this, but children

I put her in aikido at age five. She’s also very very tall and on track to hit six foot by the time she’s done growing.

My daughter has been Science!Kid her whole life. She was the preschooler who corrected the docent at the Museum of Science. I read articles like this because I need to know what she’s getting into. They give me nightmares.

Zomg yes! My daughter is TALL and at age 3 looked like a 6 year old. For a while, my husband couldn’t take her out alone if we didn’t know there was a single-person or family bathroom because he got weird looks for bringing her in if there were other guys. Never mind changing her diaper before she was potty trained!

Have you been pregnant, visibly? Because I’d heard of it in old Victorian novels and such, but I imagined it had gone the way of the monocle. But then I got pregnant and people were weird. Hell, *I* was weird a little. I went to see The Curse while I was pregnant and remember joking “I hope I didn’t scar the baby!”

You seem to have a working knowledge of punctuation, sir. I am impressed. Huzzah.

YMMV but I live in Boston and for a while, as an object lesson to my daughter, I pointed out every manspreader we saw on the subway. After less than a week, it got to be too frequent to continue. We literally never went on the T without seeing at least one manspreader.

You get all the stars.

My dad bought me a copy of Buns of Steel for Christmas when I was 14.

“I know women in the tech industry, and I personally never ever heard stories of discrimination.” Do you really and honestly think that if you have never heard of a thing, that it doesn’t exist?

I got to sleep until 7 am and eat dinner in front of the TV while my kid was away on a three-day field trip. And I was gigglingly-excited by it. Your life is way less boring than it could be ;)

In my mind, she turned her stint on the campaign in to a gig at Politico. After one term of being a withering critic of the Obama administration, Santos came and talked her into working inside the White House, to help build instead of throwing bombs. CJ Craig comes and takes her out for dinner once a month.

I don’t know where you are, but a lot of cities have maker spaces where you can take a class on the lathe and buy some time on it. I was just, ten minutes ago, contemplating the lathe class at my local makerspace and then saw this video. Clearly, it’s kismet. I need MORE wood bowls in my life!

To my mind, the major difference between my friends and my “mom friends” is that mom friend conversations include a healthy dose of “lets talk about our kids and parenting choices.” I try not to do that with my friends who aren’t mom friends. No one who has chosen not to have a child should have to listen to the

I found it very useful to hang with moms who parented like I did. We live in a world where every parenting choice is derided, mocked, and questioned and having a group of people who agreed with me was very helpful.

You know why we don’t say that? Because men get violent and kill women when they are blunt. #notallmen, of course, but let’s say that the odds are one in a hundred. How do I know if this dude is #99 or #100? Most likely he won’t pull out a knife and kill me because I was blunt, but he might scream at me, threaten me,