
Here’s the thing. It’s not just guys hitting on you. Back when I was young, thin, and pretty, I assumed it was. But now I’m an overweight middle aged woman with short graying hair wearing mom jeans and mom clogs and mom cardigan. And yet, they still talk to me, still interrupt me, still want to know what I’m reading.

Hell yes. One day I was watching mindless TV with a cat on my lap. When a new show came on, it took me a minute to get the remote and I got to see a grainy video of Carl Wallenda on a tightrope FALLING TO HIS DEATH. I don’t want to see that shit during my tea-and-kitty-alone time. Or EVER! I was appalled that a TV

Because places like Australia have mentally ill people, too. But since they got rid of the guns, they don’t have massacres.

The thing that I’ve found most helpful is to stop shepherding her through the process.

we cannot allow items on campus that can be perceived to pose a threat.”

It’s almost as if jobs that are dominated by women in care giving professions (nurse, teacher, mom, home health aide), are ALL grindingly hard work that is vital for society to keep functioning BUT are badly paid and hugely disrespected.

I’m still pretty nimble, so don’t need it. But when I was heavily pregnant, I had my dad build a set of stairs to get me up and in.

I’m 5’4”. My husband is 6’5”. We bought our bed specifically because it’s exactly his pelvis height. Just saying — shop wisely.

It’s not really a “controversial” video. It’s a hateful screed. There’s no controversy.... we all agree she’s awful. (Except, of course, people who agree with her. They are also awful, however.)

I grew up in a working class Jersey town in the late 70s and early 80s. Girls would do anything to wear a pair of Jordache jeans. Boys all wore muscle shirts and wanted Camaros. There were 15 different pizza joints in town and which one you went to was a big deal. Think vintage Springsteen and Meat Loaf. Even the kids

I feel like Kink.com needs to get in on this.

I know this is intended to be funny but... I totally talk to my kid about drinking. She’s nine. But I’ve been talking to her for years. Not in big, “put that down, we have to talk” ways, but as part of every day life.

When I was 13, my high school teacher gave me a c- on aa paper because she assumed I couldn’t have written it. II had, of course. I think dismissing her because she’s young is a mistake.

Alas, they often have friends and friend groups who wind up supporting this behavior by ignoring it. There’s an excellent article on the Pervocracy called “The Missing Stair”. It’s specifically about this problem in BDSM groups, but I’ve seen it in a lot of other social situations. That guy in college who everyone

Okay, 42 year old mom who dresses entirely from LL Bean here. Help me out. What defines a “bodycon” dress, please? Googling seems to bring up endless pages of tight spandex-y dresses. Wiki has no information (but is totally never ever sexist at all). Is that the whole of it? We called those mini dresses back in the

Achievement unlocked: Father-in-law Christmas shopping!

On the one hand, I’m willing to do a lot to ensure the dems win next year. On the other hand, a lot of gov’t contractors will be out of work (again) if the gov’t shuts down (again). Unlike “real” federal employees, contractors don’t get their backpay reinstated when the gov’t starts up again. That month-long shut down

I have Feelings about this issue.

Oh, look. Another Pixar movie without any females worth mentioning. IMDB says there are two on the whole cast of nine and one of them is “Momma.” How the hell hard would it have been to make the dinosaur female? I appreciate the artistry and writing of Pixar movies, but I find myself grinding my teeth at the

Yeah, it’s totally one of those complex systems where you have to deal with two things at once — short term goals often directly undermine long-term goals and vice versa. But yes, for the specific woman, being safe is clearly her goal and you were totally 100 percent right to offer her the advice and it’s good advice.