
There are actually TONS of roving bachelorette parties in my town and I have been in several of them. And you know what we never ever did? Accost a dude on the street. Cat call him. Shout obscenities. Follow him silently. We might have stared lasciviously and giggled, but that's it.

Is it horrible that I read that letter yesterday and assumed it was a guy writing it?

So? You don't get to keep your licence after you've plowed your car into a crowd of shoppers, either. The analogy remains accurate. You're no more or less likely to be a law-abiding person if you get either. They just allow you access to a machine that makes your crimes more powerful.

And according to that logic, the people law-abiding enough to apply for and be eligible to hold a driver's licence would never run a red light, drink and drive, or text while driving.

Well, here's the thing. If I'm at a con with a good harassment policy, I can get you thrown the hell out of the con. And I don't go to cons without such a policy, certainly not with my cosplaying daughter. Because of people like you.

I am apparently unusual as a parent in that I consider her opinion on the issue more important than my opinion, therefore the question to her comes first. My ideal interaction is that a person talks to Daughter first, "Hi! I love your costume! Can I take a picture of you?" and then when Daughter says "Sure!" the

As the mom of a little girl who cosplays, can I offer you ALL the fistbumps in the world for asking the kid?! You have no idea how often I've had to direct photographers to "ask her first, please."

Waxing isn't painful at all... FOR YOU. Different people have different perceptions and tolerance for pain, that's all. Waxing almost anything is like "meh" for me, but waxing my shins is like "OMFG DIE NOW."

YES! My butchers and I have a deep and personal relationship. Our local (hipster, locavore, awesome) butcher shop has three butchers and they know what I like, how I cook, and my preferred spice palate. That personal knowledge means that their excellent advice has changed my cooking fundamentally: single-grind ground

Anyone taking bets on the fact that bald 40 year old dude is not, in fact, talking to ALL the single ladies. Only the ones who are slim, white, and in their mid-twenties, I'd wager, and probably wearing make up with long well-coiffed hair. My 40 year old, rotund-but-usually-smiling, earbudless, sunglassesless self

We have three baskets — darks, whites, delicates. Everything gets tossed into those baskets and washed on the right setting. Because we have only three people and the size disparity is pretty clear (6'5" husband, 5'5" wife, 4' daughter) there's never any confusion about anything.

So, my kid saw Frozen. She liked Frozen. She wants to be Elsa for Halloween. "Mama, will you please make me an Elsa dress for Halloween?" That's the extent of her desire for merchandise.

I can swoon over both at the same time. I'm a bi-swooner.

You are not someone with whom I choose to have a conversation. Enjoy your day. Goodbye.

I've read the rest of your comments here. I don't feel like you and I have anything useful to say to one another. Bye.

She got FIRED. She doesn't have a JOB. Or a PAYCHECK. All because some immature asshat made a joke and then she went to the manager and complained. It's not that she's "trying to cause crap." The crap has already happened .... TO HER. I don't see anywhere that she thought there was really a room where she was likely

SO not the only one! I can not tell you how excited I was when a whole-animal butcher opened down the street from me. I can buy a pig bladder! I haven't yet, but have plans for a camping trip this fall!

I have that cookbook. I have the cheesey cookbook with crafts that was also published. I blame my from-scratch ethos on the chapter in Little House in the Big Woods where they describe butchering day.

Ladies and gentlemen, above we have the poster child for why we need to promote "yes means yes" instead of "no means no."