
Eggs, the fastest hot protein in the world. Good cold, too. My top twelve favorite fast uses:

I dunno if it's the absolute rapiest.... but it may be in the top ten, yah.

Oh, I would argue it's not a slight one at all. It's a huge one. I'd love to have a scene in which a fully clad woman is surrounded by sex toys. But I was having enough trouble coming up with ANYTHING, much less the ideal.

Because I'm old, I hadn't thought to check music videos. Thank you non-olds!

(On a side note,

I was just talking the other day to some friends about our inability to think of any instances of women surrounded by hot, interchangeable, anonymous, semi-naked men as status symbols. No one could think of an instance other than one throw away scene in Lost Girl and a few Laurell K Hamilton books. This is *exactly*

I didn't learn to hate Super Mom until I was a mom and everyone expected that of me. But you're right, I can't watch Malcolm in re-runs these days.

The super-competent, always right, wise and caring, perfect in all ways mom. I hate her. I hate her like a toothache.

Bah. Put your hands TOGETHER my friend. Brendan Frazer + Oded Fehr.... I'mma be in my bunk....

There are bras that can support my breasts. But they require ten minutes to get into and out of, with help from my husband. They are less garmenture and more architecture. And they cost a fortune. So I do low-impact exercises instead.

If it makes you happier to believe that, please continue to do so. (My husband, over my shoulder, reminds me that it wasn't the exact same car, so you're a little right. Hers had a higher trimline — slightly fancier seat covers, mostly. In my mind that doesn't count, but he says it was part of the difference, too.)

I found out how much the dealer paid for the car (consumer reports). Waited until the week before the new cars were coming in (late August, ish). The sales bro spoke almost entirely to my husband, even answering my questions by addressing him. Finally, the sales bro asked "How much will you pay for this car?" My

I feel like this conversation is no longer productive. have a nice day.

I'm not their target demographic? I'm a geek! I saw Avengers in the theaters FIVE TIMES. I have a whole room devoted to books, including comics. Who the fuck am I if I'm not their demographic? Oh, yes, I don't have a penis.

You have feminist cred. You have a daughter, you've seen Brave and like Veronica Mars, and you think there should be more women in movie. I get it.

I didn't want to make this a whole thing but you asked...

Shallow attempt? /headdesk

More than half of the movie-going populace is female. Maybe they could make one or two minor changes to the JL movie to entice those women and thus make even MORE money? It's not like they are slavishly devoted to canon.... except when it comes to excluding women.

Justice League, not Superman. Justice League. Feminists can READ.

To make a better narrative than the original?

Because it's ALWAYS been like that, right? (Sexism's #3 favorite excuse.)