
If you can find a big, extremely gentle, and tough cat, now would be fine. I’d wait a couple years otherwise. Toddlers just don’t have the muscle coordinator to actually touch a cat in a way that won’t upset the cat unless they’re very chill. Just keep in mind that if the kid gets scratched by the cat, it’s probably

Of course we knew what we were voting for. I was a little on the fence about the criminal penalties if your gun isn’t secured and is used in a crime, because that sound like felony murder and felony murder is bullshit.

Only if they do it in that order.

If I’m reading this correctly, she also didn’t actually try to get an abortion because she didn’t know she was pregnant. All that happened was she was raped, and birthed a child (sounds like with medical complications.) So now they’re charging her with attempted abortion for... reasons.

I’m actually surprised they cancelled this. Synagogues are defaced with anti Semitic graffiti all the time. We normally just cover it up until it can be removed and keep on with what we were doing.

My secret dream is for the house to flip and Pelosi to become speaker, and then for Trump and Pence to be simulaneously impeached. This is purely because of how much republican heads would explode that we then would have President Pelosi.

“Free markets” require an even distribution of power to work properly and deliver any of their much lauded benefits. Without significant regulation to keep that power distribution equal, free markets destroy themselves via concentrations of power that are sought by every player in the market (this can occur via

I get the impression that people around here don’t understand the difference between migratory beekeeping and regular pollination. Migratory beekeeping is, frankly, incredibly cruel to the bees. Have you heard about those crashed semis full of bees on I-5? Those are the migratory bees. They spend their year

Gotta love those 18th century stays and the boobshelf that goes along with them..

At least it’s one that’s already an offensive gesture in some countries, so it could be worse.

She seems to forget that in the 50’s, Jews weren’t ‘white’. This isn’t a show about a white woman, even if the actors are.

It does, and it’s soooo easy to manipulate via refining magic from items. I remember the game being hard-ish as a kid. As a adult? Not so much.

I replayed this game recently. I was mostly struck by what portion of your ‘conversations’ are Squall thinking things while refusing to answer something someone else said. They even lampshaded it once with Quistis (I think) waving her hand and saying ‘helloooo?’

One thing- ask for a dietitian, not a nutritionist. Dietitians have certifications and requirements; anyone can call themselves a nutritionist.

In Kent, minimum wage is $11.50. Making $15 including stock and bonuses means you’re making only slightly more than minimum wage, “Carol”.

Anyone that Trump pardons can be forced the testify against him. Being pardoned takes away your fifth amendment rights, as there is no longer any risk of self-incrimination.

I suppose it’s probably too much to hope that people would hear this and say, “wow, I guess there really is important research that has come from allowing aborted fetuses to be donated to science!”

So surely there are organizations that are planning to simply take a whole bunch of people and march up to any encampment that is created to take all the children out of them....Right?

I meant that men used to have deep fulfilling friendships with each other in a way that doesn’t seem to exist much now, not that they had those types of relationships with women. If you look at how men wrote about their friends in the 19th century, it’s clear they have close, emotional bonds. There’s a decent amount

Or you could figure out how all those women find friendships fulfilling, and work on gaining that ability yourself instead of trying to force other people to change. Men used to have fulfilling friendships before marriage changed to include actual intimacy rather than just contractual obligations. The ability to have