Chris is right about this one- the left pod has 3x the hitpoints of the center piece and if you have it show names then left one is called “Lavos Core” with the others named “Center pod” and “Lavos pod”.
Chris is right about this one- the left pod has 3x the hitpoints of the center piece and if you have it show names then left one is called “Lavos Core” with the others named “Center pod” and “Lavos pod”.
I too feel no effects from caffeine, but I’ve never met anyone else that was true for before! I never developed a coffee habit because bitter things are gross, and without the one benefit of an energy boost, there was no point in acquiring a taste. I’ll often offer guest tea after dinner, and have to go scrounging…
She might be right in this specific case. Women are better investors (on average) than men, because they’re more cautious. Given the crisis was caused by a vast underestimation of risk (and corruption, but it’s not like women are any better about that) a high proportion of bankers being women might have made a big…
I’ve made it without the chicken, it works just fine. Maybe up the vegetables. The recipe I use doesn’t involve chicken stock, but I imagine vegetable stock would be fine as well.
Possibly! Parkland is a heavily Jewish, er, globalist school.
The justification for kitnyot being ‘food that swells during cooking’ is a new one for me. I’m pretty sure it can’t be true, though, since chemical leaveners are just fine. I was told it was because in European markets in like the 19th century, it was common for grains to get mixed together, so the rabbis banned all…
I stopped observing kitinyot a few years ago too, but there was a time long ago that I stopped by a kosher store during passover and all the kosher for Passover popcorn was pretty trippy. It was for the Sephardim, of course.
Yes. I also refuse to go to Catholic Health care providers, because I think it is impossible for them to give proper health care to women.
Panda Express is amazing. I love rangoons, but don’t eat shellfish, and they are just about the only place I know of that has cheese-only rangoons! As a probable super-taster, being able to eat at a place with more subtle flavors is a godsend. Okay, the sweetness of the orange chicken isn’t exactly subtle, but the…
So I’ve worked in compensation, and while there are any number of subscription based numbers-gathering companies, the ones that are considered top-of-the-line (like Payscale) offer individuals the ability to check what their own salary should be for free. I would suggest checking Payscale and this other site called…
I personally would give the geisha costume (except for the eyeliner) a pass, because she’s wearing the makeup they wear, just like she’s wearing the clothes they wear, not using make-up to look Japanese. (This is ignoring the controversy over geisha in general, of course; the way they’re seen by westerners is…
In the second one she’s lit that way in every scene, even when ludicrously improbable. The director was totally in on that one.
I’ve done both gymnastics and pole, and yes, it is just as hard if not harder at advanced levels. But it’s actually more accessible too- most people can learn a basic spin in 30 minutes, while there aren’t really equivalently easy moves on the uneven bars you could learn.
Actually, no, we will never have to repay the national debt. In fact, basically no country in the world has ever repaid their national debt. They either maintain payments until inflation naturally erodes the value of the debt (which is what the US has always done), or the government collapses and the debt disappears…
This is why we need some case law that says not that a woman has a right to an abortion due to her right to privacy, but that she has a right of self defense, up to and including killing, against a person using her body against her will. This is only way that the right to abortion is not going to go away.
I was wondering this too! People on this article seem to be saying that the only options for heeled shoes that are short are kitten or wedge, and the heels I wear definitely aren’t wedges, so most people must think they’re kitten heels? I’ve always thought kitten heels are stiletto size, and heels with more surface…
It used to be much safer to neglect boosters, so I think a lot of doctors didn’t push it. With all the anti-vaxxers around, we all need to be careful to actually get boosters, as most immunities only last 10 years at most.
As someone who has worked with HRIS systems, a query like “what is the gender, title, salary grade, and salary of 21,000 people” would take like 20 minutes to write and execute. The 500 hours and $100,000 is complete bullshit.
Twice. It was dismissed the first time, then thrown out the second, and then appealed again. I can only assume Columbia figured the only way to stop endless re-filing was to settle.