
I want to start a non-profit whose goal is to give people jobs that are located in red states and that only hires people from blue states (it would provide relocation stipends too, of course). It could also use those people it’s hiring to provide some sort of secondary service (or a bunch, so that people of all

It’s actually not that bad. There is a requirement that they pay it out at the end of every year (it can’t be ‘lost’ in the sense you mention) or pay it out within 30 days if requested by the employee. Comp time is accrued at 1.5x the number of hours worked, just like overtime, and has to be paid out at the higher of

The ‘their body’ referred to is not the zygote/fetus, it’s their uterus and other body parts. Women have a right to get their uterus evacuated. They have a right to not have someone else use their body’s uterus and other resources against their will (and just a reminder, consent can be revoked. This is true of any

I actually was able save scum a dragon, but I suspect my save was right before he spawned, so wherever the trigger on that was kept being triggered right after my save load.

I tried to register a bear. Their reaction was something like “Oh for the love of- THAT’S NOT A HORSE!”

Well, I’m pretty sure you don’t live with an everlasting infection. Your body beats it or you die. (Seriously, UTIs can become kidney infections and kidney infections can kill you.)

Just a reminder- antisemitic hate crimes have massively increased (in the realm of doubled and tripled from numbers that were already in the hundreds) in the last year in the US, especially since the election. The last time someone killed people for being Jewish or associating with Jews in the US was all of 3 years

If by ‘those who lean right on Israel’ you mean people who support Israel, believe me, we know. However, the choice is between people who at least support Israel’s right to exist but are waiting for God to destroy it and all the Jews living there, and ... no one. At least the evangelicals think the genocide part has

I mean, even if Pence is implicated, that leaves us with Ryan.

Don’t believe the fear mongers, Social Securoty will still be there unless someone purposefully dismantles it. All this hoopla about SS ’running out of money’ just means the extra saved up when the baby boomers were young will be gone; new money will still be going in. You can expect, at worst, to receive 75% of what

Everywhere I see such salmon hate! I think people must not know much about them. Not only are the versatile (can live in salt and fresh water) and world travelers (they live hundreds of miles from where they’re born) but they also are the ultimate determinators of animals! They swim upstream hundreds of miles past

My cat is the same way, but for him it’s not actually shedding, exactly - he yanks out large clumps of loose fur and leaves them about. I’ve checked him afterward, he’s definitely only pulling loose fur, not hurting himself at all, but it’s a little weird to know that’s how it ends up in clumps!

Maybe a little bit like hakama pants though. Which also have nothing to do with geisha.

I think that’s part of the gender policing, though; people have a hard time believing that it’s possible for grown men to like something intended for little girls without sexualizing it. Whether most bronies actually do or not is a separate question I’m not really sure about. I’m sure there are some, if not many, who

They actually stopped something here in Washington recently because it would interfere with the fishing rights of some of the tribes around here (something to do with coal shipping terminal I think.)

I was shocked to hear that we actually honor the treaties sometimes too.

Spoilers, if you care about that sort of thing.

95% of recommendations for pregnant women are complete bullshit, so most people would be better off not changing their behavior. The only recommendations that aren’t based on cultural folktales are: take folic acid, reduce drinking to 1/day or less, and try to gradually reduce cigarette use. Stopping smoking during

That is a hitch on some routes, but a friend looked it up recently and on the non-profit route, it isn't counted as income.

See, I actually find this comforting, because it means none of my mistakes matter and I can do whatever I want. I also get to decide what's important to me, there's nothing forcing me to care about things I don't want to.

There are a bunch of different types of corsets designed to give different bust and waist styles. Stays, for instance, shove your boobs so far up they’re basically all cleavage (even if they’re tiny they’ll look huge) and have a straight line down to your waist, a somewhat triangular shape. Those were used in the