
Really? The only reason I'm not on the bone marrow registry is stories of how horribly painful donations are. I should check into this.

I think it’s a pretty rare sound, I only know one English word that uses it (the second g in garage) and I’ve only ever heard it as a part of French and Indian (not sure what region of India, though) names.

I think amazingmao means the elongated soft ‘g’ sound, as in how the second g is pronounced in garage, which is how the j in Jean-Luc is pronounced. It’s actually not a very common sound in English, either, we don’t quite have a name for it, so I kinda understand characterizing it as an s, as it’s a buzzing sort of

It’s actually not entirely inconceivable to end words in a consonant in Japanese, they just only do it in certain situations. The only character that is a consonant alone is an ‘n’ (sometimes pronounced as an ‘m’) so they do end words in that, and there are a couple other sound that technically include a vowel but

I hate coffee and like Starbucks, so I think you're on to something here!

Nope, other way around. You always use an honorific unless directly addressing someone that you are really close to (or talking to a third party you both are very close to), and you usually still use one if you’re addressing that person in a conversation with other people you’re not close to. There are also degrees of

I do this too, I have to consciously stop myself from talking in their accents so that they don’t think I’m making fun of them!

Yeah, it’s being a parasite to and irreparably damaging a woman’s body instead. But it's not like women are people, so it's all good.

I think what they really mean is “How can I explain that to my kid without them seeing how ridiculous and nasty my opinions on this are? Can’t you guys look a little more depraved and less wholesome?”

I think you’re confusing the Talmud with some other people’s holy book. The Talmud was written by men, and revised by men, and doesn’t claim to be infallible or written by G-d in any way. It discusses portions of the Bible but the stuff in there gets like 10+ layers removed from the Bible, and is also full of

That’s in line with the Hebrew. Sometimes masculine words are used to refer to G-d in the Torah, sometimes feminine ones.

I found a way to sort of get there, though it’s not quite as good as drift braking. Basically, you start drifting, then release A for just a moment while still holding B, then release B and start pressing A again at the same moment. Feels a lot like driving a stick shift car, actually.

Apologies for replying to an old

Yeah, this is me too, and is also why I’m eternally baffled at peoples’ need to have biological kids, and at those don’t feel like non-biological kids are truly “theirs”, as mentioned in some other people’s comments here. I actually find the idea that some people aren’t able to love non-bio kids properly rather

When I first read the headline I thought you meant they managed to pass a single bill that screws over all those groups all at once, and I was all ready to be impressed at their ingenuity at managing to hit such disparate groups with one bill. But having it all be spread over 4-5 bills? Meh, that’s just business as

Not sure about the Statue of Liberty ones, I’ve never seen those, but the Susan B. Anthony dollars were replaced by the the Sacajawea dollars due to their TERRIBLE design. They are almost exactly the same size, shape, and color of quarters, and it was very difficult to tell them apart. So someone had to come up with a

Aw, c’mon, I know Welsh names are hard to spell, but it’s actually not an unusual name at all. It’s just a different spelling of Guinevere (as in, from the Authurian legends.) Also, apparently one of its meanings is “white” which is kinda fun given that Gwenhwyvar is, y’know, a panther.

I’ve read that your tears (from a sad cry, not from other kinds) actually contain stress hormones, which means crying makes you feel better because the hormones that are making you feel bad are literally leaking out through your eyes. So yes! Preventative crying for the win!

Since this is about bodily autonomy, and no one should be forced to gestate another against their will for any length of time, the appropriate line for when abortions should be allowed for any reason is ‘up until the moment a doctor would be willing to induce labor or do a Caesarian instead.’ The earliest I’ve heard a

You all seriously need a union.

So, in light of this and everybody’s stories, what do people think about women-only train cars (with the assumption that it would be enforced)?