
This is me, too. I estimate I probably only remember a quarter of the events most people do, if that. I hate interview questions that ask me to ‘tell them about a time when...’ because I just don’t remember. I normally just make something up that follows my personal rules of behavior. Oddly enough, though, I have an

He may have already mentioned this, but Jews aren’t supposed to pray in the presence of ‘idols’, a list of things that includes crosses (especially crucifixes). Most consider it fine to just cover any ‘idols’ with a sheet or some such. And weddings require prayer, though only if you're having someone do the

The only deodorant without antiperspirant that I can find is either Tom's (the 'natural' brand, and therefore hideously expensive) and, oddly enough, Trader Joe's has one with their store brand. Both are marketed unisex-ly. I've never found a single 'women's' deodorant only.

Hey, I’m offended. Jezebel wasn’t a whore, she was power hungry murderer (and effective at both!) Sheesh, there are reason for women to be considered evil other than being a whore.

A point of clarification on your 'minimum wage would be $21.72 if it was the same now as at its peak' point - that's not exactly true. Minimum wage's peak adjusted for inflation to current dollars is about $11. However, workers have also gotten twice as productive in that time period, so the $21.72 is what a company

It's illegal for them to forbid you to talk about working conditions with a co-worker. The NLRB even ruled that Facebook posts between coworkers that complain about work count at protected speech. I'd talk to an employment lawyer to make sure this qualifies as 'working conditions' but I'm pretty sure it does. But as

It's that line that makes me think it's real, actually. People where I grew up used that exact phrasing, and I've never heard anyone outside the fold mention it despite how blatantly awful it is. It's one of those turns of phrase that people not of that culture are unaware of. So either this is real (which I consider

This makes me sad, games are such an awesome hobby! You can always do what I do, and stay out of the gaming community. I only play one player or local multiplayer games. It's worked for me for about 20 years now! I'm definitely a hardcore gamer (personally owned more than 10 consoles over the years), and yet have

See, if people bring up that verse, I want to ask them: 'Jeremiah was a prophet, why would you assume you get the same treatment? Of course G-d knew him early, he's a freaking prophet! You are not!'

I can't resist:

So this is unrelated but I wanted to let you know about the Lentil Festival in Pullman, WA this weekend. It's a yearly event that I keep meaning to post about on Groupthink (because lentils, obviously) and keep forgetting to do so. I figure a write up from you might entertain everyone more anyway! (And also I don't

People can have an allergic reaction to literally anything, including water and sunlight. I'm pretty sure that means gluten allergies exist.

I hope restaurants follow this. I never knew how horrible Celiac disease was until a co-worker came in one Monday saying he was kinda sick from eating a lot at a restaurant with a supposedly gluten free menu. As he said, "it's not a big deal, though, just some intestinal bleeding. That's normal." THAT'S NORMAL, for

Costco has this, actually. Well, it might be in a pack with plain white and plain peach, but that's a lot better than floral. Actually, all of Costco's clothes are really good quality; their shirts aren't too thin, they have plain, smooth bras... For basic stuff, Costco is great.

I heard a report recently that addressed this. Basically, they found that the costs to insurers are higher (so premiums would be too) when they offer birth control as a part of their plans. However, the reason for this is not that health care costs are higher; total costs of medical procedures for a woman on birth

Insomnia at this level is incredibly dangerous. I'm glad you were able to solve it. For people who currently have it, you need to go to a doctor after the second night. At 5 or more days you actually start to go insane (primarily hallucinations) and it is possible to die from lack of sleep if it continues much longer

Because doing everything within your power to control your weight and have it not work at all is so empowering! I love feeling like I am an utter failure at something I'm supposed to be able to do, no matter how much time, money, and effort I devote to it! So empowering!

I do want to point out that the issue is not HFCS - it's sugar in general, of which HFCS is the most common. You should be wary of anything that has any of the following as the first few ingredients, because they're all sugar:

So I live in Seattle. My question is, is it okay to stop tipping once the $15 minimum wage is in place? That's a living wage around here. I can't decide if this will make me jerk or not. I'd looooove to get rid of tipping culture.