
This is so true. At this point my friends and I almost exclusively go out to dinner, quiet bars, and movies together, or go to each other's houses and play board games. A significant number of us are introverts. Speaking of board games, board games have improved a thousand fold since most people played them, and a

They put sugar (maltodextrin), a dough conditioner (soy lecithin) and some sort of yeast in their meat? What are they trying to do, make their meat rise like a loaf of bread?

Charizard is at Old Faithful in Yellowstone.

There are a bunch in Roppongi, as well as a Pokemon lab (? Building, anyway.)

Except that if chiropractic care doesn't work then they'd just be paying for the chiropractic care now and the back surgery later, so that would be a pretty dumb financial decision.

Probiotics! By which I really mean yogurt, because that's the only one I know of. I avoid antibiotics if possible too, simply because killing all your gut flora does tend to have that effect. But eating yogurt during and after helps replenish those guys. I've actually wondered why there aren't more probiotic products

This makes me really sad, because chiropracty does actually help treat a lot of conditions, and is very effective at relieving many types of pain. Even some of the more outlandish things some claim can help with make sense when considering that it deals primarily with the spine, which houses the central nervous

Apparently it is bad for you if you try to do it. But somehow the way people do it when not trying is different such that it doesn't hurt anything.

GMO foods are going to be the only way we can survive soon. Specifically, we'll need drought resistant crops. GMOs aren't bad, necessarily, though if they're created through artificial means they really need to have stringent testing rules to make sure the changes aren't harmful.

You realize that Tylenol is much, much more dangerous than BCPs are, right? That you can pretty easily cause permanent liver damage or death by taking a double dose of it (which a lot of people do with pain killers!) or by taking a normal dose and then drinking alcohol. I do think that people need to talk to a doctor

That is a classic abusive relationship pattern. She restricts your activities, is demanding, and when you 'fail' by not doing exactly what she wants she makes you feel bad about it. Extracting promises and then making you feel horrible when you can't or don't fulfill them is a manipulation technique to make you feel

You're not just paranoid, this is absolutely true. I've seen studies that say supervisors are more likely grant permission to men to work from home than women. It didn't study why, specifically, but it's probably exactly why you think it is.

I've seen other studies that say it's not that men ask more - it's that supervisors are more likely to give permission to men to work from home. Which is consistent with the other things you said - mothers are just assumed to be less responsible to their work duties, so probably supervisors don't let them work from

Actually I've seen HR studies that say it's not that men ask more, it's that supervisors grant permission to men more. Specifically, men are granted permission to do so more than women, and people who ask for career-related reasons are more likely to get it than people who ask for personal life-related reasons.

So in

And since she stuck around, she has been repeatedly tortured and will lose half her life sitting in prison, a place that somehow manages to be even worse for trans people than it is for everyone else. She did the world a service by releasing this stuff, I don't see why she (or Snowden) have an obligation to become

When I saw the headline, my first thought was "Please use the right pronouns and name, please use the right pronouns and name...." I'm really, really glad he did. But as you said the fact that it's notable is rather sad...

You'd rather misrepresent your relationship with your wife to her on a daily basis and put her at risk of STD transmission without her consent (or potentially force her to deal with a consort's accidental pregnancy with no warning) than talk to her about consensual non-monogamy? Just because she might make a

So, I'm going to take what you're saying at face value and assume you're not yet a terrible person, and respond accordingly. Cheating is never the answer. At the same time, no one ever has an obligation to have sex with anyone else; this is the basic human right of bodily autonomy. Thus, it sounds like there are

I've been wondering - can't they get her moved somewhere that will perform an abortions and then they can take her off life support? I imagine there may have been difficulties with that - it is Texas so there might not have been a place that can both handle the life support stuff and do an abortion available. And now

One of the most awesome moments in Supernatural was definitely when Sam found slash fix online about the two of them, and Dean asks, "They realize we're brothers, right?" and Sam replies, "Doesn't seem to matter." Complete with 'WTF is wrong with you people' looks on both their faces.