
Parrying would actually almost ensure that the guy wielding the chainsaw gets badly injured. It would almost definitely screw up the sword, at least in the spot where the chain hit it, BUT when the spinning chain of a chainsaw contact hard metal, the chainsaw has a nasty tendency to "kick back", and if the guy holding

I think I need more info here... Are we talking about a 24" Stihl that probably gives you close to a 2.75' reach, or a small 16" Poulan... Also, exactly what type of Samurai sword? A katana traditionally has a blade length of around 2 feet long, but the nodachi has a 4 foot blade, which would mean I could inflict

I am totally getting in on this... I've been my other half's "personal slut" for years. It's my time to shine!

I'd be perfectly okay with this if it weren't for the shady labeling. I'll eat a $4 steak just as fast as a $20 steak, but if I pay for a $20 steak, that's what I want. There is a noticeable difference in the cuts of meat. Trying to pass off $4 beef as $25 steak is unacceptable, as they aren't even close.

Weird... It showed up when I made the comment. Here's my baby, Bel.

I'm the same way. I hate installing excess crap, but Adblock actually seems to help, and I hide the button so it's invisible.

I read comments like it all the time. I have to ask, what browser are people using? I use Safari on Mac, and I never run into this issue. I see one or two small ads, but thats all. I just click on an article and start reading. I literally just installed Adblock today because of another site I visit.

Tips for a happy human-cat relationship:

I know that the Dashboard is some kind of mistreated, forgotten step-child, but I highly prefer this: [www.apple.com]

I've wanted to do that as well. I'd live nothing more than to convert them over to linux, but they have their silly games(Diner Dash, Bejeweled, etc...) and as of yet WINE doesn't seem to really do well with them.

I used to get ran over by "high maintenance" friends all the time. What finally worked for me was to stop caring about hurting their feelings. After all, they had seemingly no issue with crushing mine.

Everybody lies.

I guess I am one of the EXTREMELY lucky ones. I am completely nonreactive to the stuff. Always have been, so I have never had to endure the agony described here. Having read this article, I am SO glad.

EDIT: Stupid double comment.

I was wondering if I was going to see any XFCE love in this thread. My usual install is a bare minimum install of Debian, then install xfce. Been doing that since back before LXDE.

Exactly this. I tried running Puppy as a full install once. Not worth it. But I have always, for the last 3 years, had a flash drive with Puppy. It's a great tool, that boots quick so I can get in quick and get problems fixed.

KDE is not an OS. It is a desktop environment that sits on top of the OS.

For the record, I kind of agree with you. I was simply pointing out that I think that's the idea that environmentalists try to leverage. The idea that a single entity is the ONLY entity that can or does perform a specific vital function in nature is ridiculous.