My personal analysis is the obvious route... There must be some big event(represented by the college finals duh) in your life coming up, and you feel completely unprepared(represented by the fact you didn't attend any classes) for it.
It really depends on the person. My girlfriend is uber-touchy feely. If I believed in marriage and asked her, she would turn into a giddy 12 year old again. Personally, I'm like a step away from dead inside. She jokes that she could get mowed down by a school bus in front of me and I'd still finish what I'm eating…
"Worst and most horrific piece of garbage software on the market is Norton Internet Security."
Actually that is not that uncommon. My less computer savvy friends all keep their computer passwords on a post-it note stuck to, you guessed it, the stack of CD's right next to the monitor, despite my insistence that they don't.
Thanks. My original question was what the difference is between all the difference between all those devices that share the same name. After some Google work I found that on my own. I will be using a Google Nexus 7 Wifi, and tethering to my iPhone for network. If the stock ROM works that well, I will probably stick…
By my math, if I convert all my music down to 320kbps MP3, I would still require about 40GB of space, so I'll say the 64GB is perfect for me. And YES, we don't all afford a 3G connection or a 100% of the time WIFI connection, so I DO want my stuff stored locally.
I don't think it should be a two drive system, but considering it is flash, I don't see why they can't just design it so that when you get a 32GB tablet, it has 32GB of USABLE space. Well, I can kind of see why, but it should be something that they at least attempt working around.
Thank you! I always wondered why people talk about how greasy nasty deep fried foods are... The only time that ever happened to me was one time when I put the food in before the oil was up to temp. Otherwise the food comes out crispy and delicious.
Okay guys I need some help here... I am prepping to put a Nexus 7 in my car, BUT idk which Nexus I need. Theres a Google Nexus, an Asus Nexus, and now there is apparently a Galaxy Nexus. Are they all the same? This is what I'm shooting for:…
In my town, the gas station does the opposite. The big sign is the "credit" price, and at every pump is a sign that says "$0.03 off per gallon with CASH".
One major point about spark plugs. DO NOT buy the fancy new iridium/platinum/unobtainium based plugs just because they sound better. Buy the type of plugs that your vehicle calls for. If your vehicle uses traditional copper, and you put Double Platinum or Iridium based plugs, they fire hotter(negatively affecting the…
The stuff you put into your gas tank has minimal effects. Something like Seafoam, that can be put in the tank, AND fed through a vacuum line directly to the injectors, has near magical ability to make your car run better.
Zephyr, IntelliscreenX, Switchy, Bitesms. The moment those functions become an integral part of stock iOS, I will never jailbreak again. Those are the only things I jailbreak for, and they are dealbreakers. Oh, and "Gridlock" functionality wouldn't hurt. I don't understand why it's an actual thing in iOS, that all…
I used to know a girl who was 6'7" tall, who always complained about not being able to find a date. Her #1 problem? She "couldn't" date a man shorter than her. I'd like to see how much of the male population is actually 6'8" or taller in America....
Yes that symlink is what makes this work. I used the exact same tutorial on my Macbook Pro, when I replaced the Superdrive with a second hard drive.
The great thing about a NAS is their ridiculously low system requirements. The second would be a great NAS, but if all you need is a file server, you could build a great file server NAS with the Raspberry Pi.
Perhaps it needs time to load back into prefetch? I don't know for sure but on Windows 7 that was a thing...
Have you tried running this command? Should clear up a lot:
This is not the case everywhere, or perhaps every state. The last shop I worked at REGULARLY had to fix tires where a poor plug job leaked, and we would have to dismount the tire, pull out the plug, and patch from the inside, which is the only proper way to repair a tire. Opening up that tire and seeing that mess...…