Never really thought about being unhappy with my earnings until I read this article... Now Im looking at my 12000/year income and weeping, just a little bit.
Never really thought about being unhappy with my earnings until I read this article... Now Im looking at my 12000/year income and weeping, just a little bit.
I can actually agree with this statement, to a point.
LOL Yes it is. I love that show.
I have been thinking of an idea recently, but I'm not sure which would actually be faster... Which of the 2 scenarios would be faster?
Dissolve, or Protonate?
Thats NOTHING! I have a sonogram of my son doing precisely the same thing. Still cute though.
That is some good information. I will definitely be looking into rdiff-backup. I have mine automated to the point of having the rsync commands set on a cron job, so as long as the drive is hooked up it mounts, syncs, and unmounts automatically, but the versioning sounds very helpful.
Hmm... Honestly I haven't used Skydrive. I signed up back when it first started, and just started using it today when I heard about the free 25GB space. My experience is with Dropbox.
You are using it for a purpose other than it is meant to do. It's purpose is to sync files between machines/mobiles. It is not inherently meant for online backup.
Even laser sights need to be sighted in before they will be accurate.
I just put the edge of the bottle cap on the lip of the bar and slap down on the top of the bottle. Works every time.
LOL I agree! Although I would say that those aren't Wal-Mart $20 package deal photos...
Yes, there are people who do this, and every time I see it I cry, just a little, inside. It's horribly nerve racking, as a self-proclaimed good cook, to watch family members do this.
These pictures are absolutely horrible. My sister just got married a month ago, and she paid a girl who was a photography student at the local college, and interning with an actual photography studio. For $350 she was able to get a full set of beautiful high quality wedding photos.
While it's not likely, it is still worth it to check. All you have to do is go to a website and it will tell you if you are infected. Mac's are susceptible to some Trojans, this one included.
Ahh, yes space was my issue early on. I have the setup I have now because of a lot of scrimping and saving. In the beginning when I would find a video that was corrupted, it literally meant getting another copy of it.
Agreed. As I often say, One backup = No backup. When one fails, your backup becomes your only copy, and you have to depend on that only copy to last, without degradation, until you can get another backup made. I made mention of precisely this on an article not long ago, and was told "it sounds a little paranoid to me."
This is where multiple backups come in handy. I use Rsync to perform my local backups, because it is simple, and handles checksums. Checksums make sure that the backup is 100% identical to the original. Therefore, as long as the original is not degraded, the backup won't be either.
Greater than should have the open side facing the one that's greater. The point aims at the smaller one. I think of it more like a Pac-Man than an arrow.
Don't fix what isn't broken. cL's website is easy to deal with and search.