I'm very sorry that you and the others who've posted have had negative experiences with Indian men in the past. On the other hand, as an Indian man, a feminist, and a regular reader of this site, this discussion makes me wince. Fact: there are shitty and not-so-shitty people out there from every culture and creed.…
I haven't seen this season, but based on the last two, I'd say it's because she's cool and pretty. And if she hasn't shown herself to be a demonstrably crap friend, that may be all that is required of her. When I was whippysnap in my teen years, or that teen hangover period called one's early 20s, I wanted the…
Is this just a conditioned response to how society acts or maybe an attempt to make themselves feel better by putting others down?
Aren't you size 8 fatties glad you finally have somewhere to shop? /sarcasm
Oh honey, the self-hate reeks. You admitted yourself you make ample use of the social setup wherein your youth and beauty make up your entire worth. You wouldn't need that crutch if you had a semblance of actual confidence. I mean, you don't even bother to hide it and then pretend to laugh at the suggestion of it. But…
You probably didn't require this extra-special news bulletin to know that liaison-facilitator Ashley Madison revels…
I'd like Jezebel to interview Oprah instead. I'm sure she would have plenty of insights about women singing in metal bands. Then she could sing a nu-metal cover version of Iron Maiden's 'Phantom of the Opera', only she would call it 'Phantom of the Oprah'.
There are firefox addons for youtube videos, but I never tried them. Search for "stop autoplay" or similar. Don't know about other browsers or other type of videos...
Autoplaying video?! DIE!!!
Also Liberty Ross has been a successful model for much longer than she's been married. In fact, she was the bread winner when she and Sanders moved to LA, because previous to Huntsmen he had been working only in advertising and kinda gave that up while trying to make the next step to feature films. I'd be so pissed if…
You know you're in trouble when Prince Philip thinks you're daft.
One of the reasons I was happy to leave North America: stupid stereotypes about Albanians perpetuated for Westerners' amusement. Thanks America!
If this woman is proud of what she did, who are you to tell her not to be?
And tell me how much YOU know of European people to point fingers. What do you know about Estonia?
You mean people in Europe aren't taught about the US of A and its many peoples????? We are exemplary in this. We know all about the native peoples of all the countries, which we can naturally place on a map.