
The appropriate outfit is obviously a house. Comes in two flattering options: your father's or your husband's.

It's ridiculously common. Two friends of a friend were about to put the guy's cat down because she had moved in with him two weeks before, was very allergic to dander and they hadn't found anyone to adopt the cat in the last fortnight. Given that they had been dating for years and moving in together in Norway is a

They are going to mess up Michonne just like they've messed up Andrea. It's my worst dread with this show right now.

It's lovely and I want it badly. What is it called?

Sexy/vacuous/criminal mail order brides, mustachioed babushkas, and bond villains, thank you very much. There is SOME nuance there.

BIG does great work for fine, limp hair but it can be too harsh if used too often or if you don't condition regularly. That said, I use it a couple of times a week and use one of the Phyto shampoos the rest of the time. Also, their Henna is my favorite Lush hair structure-improving product..

Bengals are just very affectionate, communicative and so very codependent. Mine calls out to me from other rooms just to hear me respond. Not like he can't find me or anything. Just needs some vocalization. They are also freakishly smart and, like every animal, the smarter they are the more mental stimulation they

It's less about guts and more about how it's harder to hate a living person sitting right in front of you than it is to hate a flat collection of pictures, words, and videos.

Let's take the average and call him atavistic.

I could watch Ellis play all characters except for Jessica, Pam and Alcide (rrrowrrr) and TB will be so much better for it.

Or Lermontov or Nadezhda, or Razkolnikov or Katarzhyna or Brezhnev - tough for any Western tongue... :-) Thank Cthulhu my names include variations on one biblical martyr and two apostles so people rarely mess them up. But my poor sister, Nadezhda....

Going-out-of-your-comfort-zone high-five!

I might not follow Orthodox Christianity as much as my family does but I haven't heard of similar practices. People around the world do care about 9/11.

Maybe you should get your hands on the Fantaghiro DVDs then. Two gender-bending ladies. The White Knight was a constant source of sexuality confusion for me when I was a teen.

And so was JFK killing his younger version... I think Moffat's been overdosing on Red Dwarf recently.

Tesselector was more fun when he was the InquisitOR and was calling Lister a smeghead.

Yeah, no contest there.

Hazards of Love. Try it. It's very much rocky, not whiny, brilliantly written and just all around polished.

What annoys me is the pretentiousness of a bib, meant to mop up food and spit, costing more than the model's whole existence for four months being played off ironically over the contrast. It's this "tee-hee, this bib is worth more than some people's lives but wontcha look at the poors - it looks so authentic" feel I

51 emails, not phone calls. Spread over a few people and many, many days.