Stupid thumbsup icon won't work, so I'm replying to promote your comment anyway.
Stupid thumbsup icon won't work, so I'm replying to promote your comment anyway.
Maybe they thought she'd be least likely to go out and start her huge collection anew if she had some animals around.
Eddie knows:
Even when they are at home, they leave their children outside ("they sleep better") if the temperature is over 10 C in the suburbs.
I've heard it said and I agree from (non-statistically significant) experience that Bengals are pretty much like dogs minus the maintenance.
I see this in bad English fanfic all the time. It's textspeak convention of sorts but this doesn't make it any better.
"Freedom now well won" is not really how a Bulgarian would put it. The country is littered with Russian army memorials from the Ottoman wars and those are regarded with fondness. The Soviet crap is a different story but the country has enough to deal with, not really having governed itself in 600 years and being…
It owed a lot of its whimsy to the novel(s). I love Mel's movies and this one did not disappoint despite me having read "The Twelve Chairs" over a dozen times. But the book is much richer in characters and situations.
@Rumtum: I'll raise ya: ever read "The Twelve Chairs"? Movie's okay; book is genius.
@LazyHippo: COTY!
When I was a kid, we had a Spanish macaque who would go around the table after dinner and drink the tiny leftover bits of alcohol from the glasses (not enough to get drunk, we made sure). Eventually he got to the point when he wouldn't wait for us to finish but would start trying to take our glasses from our hands…
@Yoana: Well, "Ataka" are getting there. From them it's all "the Roma are out-birthing us. Wimminz, we need more ethnic Bulgarians." At least they seem to be at odds with the Church (from the bits I see on "Gospodari na Efira"). If those two crazy kids ever get together, I pity anyone still left in that country.
@insomniac1729: Yes, but they were already born, actual, living human beings. That makes it better.
Soooo, it's equally satisfying and frustrating in different ways. Who coulda guessed.
@agsine: You and must be besties... I made a fifty-something communist guy who used to work in the comics publishing industry and has numerous friends in the adult industry blush... Twice.
@katieupsidedown: You can make great hair and face masks from egg yolks. I'm sure Google would provide suggestions for other uses. But I'm guessing you won't be able to use all.
@SorciaMacnasty: Typical bootstrapper talk. "I did it, so everyone can do it. If they don't, they didn't want hard enough."
Also, give him wrinkles because that is the worse thing to ever happen to a human being.
@BlueGranny: This made my morning, thanks.