

@Moziles: Of course he was sexified. And so were most of the leads. (Still worth watching, IMHO.)

@Lucas Hartsough: I never though The Book of the New Sun anything BUT sci-fi at heart: the millions of years into the future, shifting poles and continents, time-travel, etc. Yes, there are some fantasy elements like the Claw and the whole Thecla consciousness but those could be explained away with

@Lucas Hartsough: I never though The Book of the New Sun anything BUT sci-fi at heart: the millions of years into the future, shifting poles and continents, time-travel, etc. Yes, there are some fantasy elements like the Claw and the whole Thecla consciousness but those could be explained away with

Well worth it. The script did the book justice for the most part (it removed a couple of ambiguities to make it easier to swallow, I guess) and the actors were all amazing.

"The Crimson Petal and the White", which was also turned into a brilliant miniseries by the Beeb last month.

@onegirlrhumba: Oh, "The Idiot" made me cry. By far my favorite Dostoyevsky novel.

@persiaa: Yeah, but that in no way makes them less of a person, you see. You can't be less of something you're not.

@femme-ala-creme: Damn, I like his music but this is a fan-deal-breaker for me.

@LaComtesse: Few years ago, there was apparently a debate in Norway, about what to do with their oil money and one of the options was offering women perks to stay at home longer than a year instead of going back to work. That was not a resounding success because so few women wanted to.

@GalaxyGlued: Can't cite any studies but I haven't seen this to be the case here. You get the same maternity leave even if you adopt so older women are not immune from taking leaves, plus, the country covers most of the cost, so it's easy to hire a temp or a consultant and reshuffle. Fathers also get few months'


@emptymovement: When they went in Morocco. One of my favorite episodes.

@nolemonomelon: Aren't those (plus Sweet November and other assorted some such), with the exception of Juno not the leads in the movies but the love interest/growth stimulus (pun totally unintended) of the male lead?

@SubvertAParadigm: Is he a Bengal? I have one of those puppies with claws. He even wags his tail when I pet him.

@Forglemmegei: I just wish special diet food was available outside of vet offices in Norway. Every time I run out of anti-bladder-crystals food for my boys I have to plan my entire evening around going to the vet before they close, getting the ten kilo package, trekking all the way back and then going home.

I couldn't give a rat's pucker about this, but my father's into coin collecting and advised me to invest in the commemorative coins. Unlike the rest of the marketing crap, they are likely to get a tidy ROI.

@drunkexpatwriter: UK border customs are the reason I avoid flying through the UK. Before my swarthy, poor country joined the EU, I was always interrogated for inordinate amounts of time and asked ridiculous questions.

@LaComtesse: Every time you comment, I am reminded why I hearted you. (And why I keep returning here - for comments like these.) Mind if I borrow the idea?