
Even accounting for my already-liquidation-sale-low expectations of the Trumps' and editors' behavior, this season is making me super bilious. The reptilian, smirky, proprietary way Trump and the Trumpsters keep talking about Hope is even more repulsive than usual. It's obvious that the poor woman is squirming on the

Surely it doesn't work on Death.

@LolaLane: That is correct and if there hadn't been all this fuss about Portman's body metamorphosis and how she turned into an actual ballerina for the role, I guess all the whining wouldn't have made sense.

Damn, Nathaniel York doesn't look a bit like I thought he looked. Neither does Ylla.

@jskrbaby: I guess you don't suffer from debilitating migraines which make your face look barely recognizable some days and makeup is one of the few things that can hide that and make you feel normal. Guess you're more enlightened and twice-freer than I am then.

@FlirtySanchez: Yes, we're doing everything ironically now. Structuring your life around thing you genuinely, openly care about is so last decade.

Simply? In the only US terms I can think of, it's like the rivalry between Ohio State and Michigan (only a thousand times more). I wouldn't be surprised if they are sending one of their pretty boys over to seduce her away right now.

Oh, et tu, NPR?

@RoughHouser: I find one key difference between this (plus the Red Hot cover few comments bellow) and the women covers I've seen (classic ones like John and Yoko notwithstanding). The male covers are face-on, frontal and directly provocative. The female covers feature strategic jutting out of bouncies and way more

"satiated only with attention, rather than affection or emotional support. " It's depressing how absolutely perfectly to the point this is. And it's depressing how many women recognize the experience, fuck.

I'll prepare the membership package, if you can come up with the logo.

It does resemble that and I cringe at the parallels but in my experience and that of my friends, the "nice guys" almost invariably fall for women with high social cachet and try to worm in their way under the guise of friendship. It's about chasing people you know are not into you and then complaining when they're

It's pretty depressing. It's not that I "need a man to give my life a meaning" but the occasional thought that not a single person who really knows me wants to date me is just a huge downer even if you know it's largely because so many guys are so easily intimidated.

Precisely. Or they don't run but tell you "why do you have to think so much? You're a pretty girl. Enjoy it." (direct quote) expecting you to apologize for being introspective and then try to get drunkenly into your pants but not date you.

Absolutely agree. The average woman who watched this show is not the average woman who reads "Eat, Pray, Love" or watches so-called "chick movies". Just because something deals with a traditionally-female domain, such as childbirth, it doesn't mean it's all of a sudden turned into an episode of Oprah. Methinks someone

@zegota: Yes! Philosophy: The Gathering would be the ultimate card game in the world. Imagine fights over whether Schopenhauer or Hertzen should get the +7 style hit.

@buggie10: I don't know. I am one of the hugest nerds that ever nerded (I have been reading regular books since I was five and classical lit, like the Iliad, The Mahabharata, the Divine Comedy since I was ten; I know more about sci-fi lit and geeky shows than almost anyone else in my wide circle of friends, most of

If we're gonna be ganking Red Dwarf plots, can we pick from the seasons that were actually good, please?