
@Moretta: I'm afraid US shows based on far superior (and that's not saying much) UK shows that start off this bad, inevitably tank. There is nothing behind the idea other than "well in was funny when the Brits did it" and the execution is just pathetic.

@stupidity.tries: Spine is horrible. My tattoo goes over the spine and the shoulder blade. It's quite large - took over 3.5 hours but mostly just felt like someone sandpapering the skin. I am used to bad, almost-daily pain, but when the guy was doing the spine bits I was grinding my teeth to the gums.

@beatrice2000: I so hope that is true because it would be such a great tribute.

@sea.marie: It was Nina at the end. Maybe they got her daughter to sing it and that was her in the beginning? The voice is similar to hers.

@soulcanhope: I don't know who does it but I was certain the song was going to feature in the movie and was a bit disappointed it wasn't Nina. And then when it got to Nina, I got chills.

@ZiggyStarPuff: I am still laughing hysterically, two full minutes after I read it. Mainly because I can imagine the new lyrics set to the sad, slow music.

@beautifulbeast: Pure, beautiful voice with no fake ornamentation, brilliant artist and lyrics that work on more than just a superficial level. Anyone surprised she's having such a hard time breaking into the mainstream?

@thePrototype: Some don't have a set price and only get "donations", depending how much you want to/feel societaly pressured to pay. That's a way out of the taxes.

@badmutha: Everyone knows who the "psychics", "ekstrasensi" and hojjas (the Muslim men who are thought to perform forms of witchcraft) are and where they live. I doubt I know a single person who hasn't visited one.

@scullymurphy: The current TV Holmes (Benedict Cumberbatch) is so perfect that it's almost wrong.

@Lynx: MegCain?

@luxylux: Or, were he pressed for space, the ever-popular "oh, snap".

@boots_riverside: But just a little bit more. Large disparities between your income and that of the area you live in can make you unhappy. It's a fine balance, I guess.

@soulcanhope: She chose not to go the obvious route and cashed in her artistic license. I like it when artists surprise.

@cheeseburger: What's offensive is "I said, if I was richer, I'd still be with ya. Ha, now ain't that some shit?" and "'Cause being in love with you ass ain't cheap." Oh, but "Whhhy lady? Oh! I love you oh!

@soulcanhope: A dick who's upset about a break-up and calls the woman a gold digger (which is just this decade's "whore"). Hers was a parody, not an interpretation.

@Erin Burr: Better than Engelbert Slaptyback.