
@MrsPsmith: Ah yeah. The voice is in my top ten. Right after Clancy Brown, Mark Lanegan and Alan Rickman.

This guy is so pretty I forgot to breathe watching Sherlock. I rarely crush on TV characters (as opposed to book ones) but a face like this and the personality of L from Death Note and I am one smitten kitten.

@Sev: I'd go to one just so I can tell people stuff like, "I wash my cats on Wednesdays" and "well, if you don't sniff the poo, how are you going to know its fiber content?".

@maude_flanders: That big, yes. I've had those and you can even see them on the girls from the Soviet choir videos on YouTube.

@StoneColdCrab: Had those myself in the 80's. I don't think any Bulgarian kids wear them today though. It's very Iron Curtain kind of look.

@AfroJezeBella: I don't think it's real either. I got so excited before I saw the FOD logo.

@loosesealbluth: Actually, she's Bulgarian. Do NOT do a search for Jessy puppy and Bulgarian shelter. If you do, do NOT, under any circumstances look at photos.

@madmelanie: Just a little more snide sanctimoniousness and they'd be wearing out her cell phone with job offers.

Is it just me or does the interviewer sound like a Midwestern college girl? She has this whine-like intonation that one'd hope people grow out of.

@nonskanse: I'm competitive as hell (and half techie) and desperately want a guy who can challenge me. I enjoy being smart and want a guy who is able to appreciate it.

"Presumably only redheads who like it when someone shreds the cello and 18-year-old girl who live in small city of Japan will be permitted to purchase and wear it."

@Ri_L is Team Squidward: Well then, it would have been worth it, just to have Nina Simone sing about you... Well, that and the being a pirate thing.

@curioushair: Ah, the mania ones. Where people at work ask you if you've been drinking when you're giddy like a schoolgirl.

@sabinebeans: I'm not small but I have low-ish blood pressure and bad circulation. Beta blockers (I've been given three kinds) and Topamax make my circulation so bad that after a week I can't sleep - my feet hurt so horribly from the pins and needles. It doesn't work for everyone.

@Acefreakly: And if they were scrubbing the floors, they were Pirate Jenny or something. If everyone was so cool in their past lives, why are they such boring dorks in this life?

This was exactly what the emotionally brilliant person who created Paprika would write. Nothing more, nothing less.

@Zaina: Same here. Which is why I've stopped taking bootstrappers of any kind ("if I did it, anyone can", my under-oxygenated ass) seriously.

@MadonnaBritomartis: Congrats! I'm still waiting for the day Klingon-like ridges (no, really) are recognized and I can proudly shave my head.

@Ipomoea: The less you have to say, the more you have to say it.