The ironic this is...when I was young the game was scary enough, somehow I was still always able to fall asleep to this awesome masterpiece
I second this...Gosling has nothing on Cranston
OMFG!!!...Steven Ogg is fucking amazing
Mazel Tov to the both of yous
aparently its way cheaper to pay stars to make a commercial then it is to make your product really taste good.
I can most certainly make sense of what I just was really awesome but again..WTF?!?! omg if this is a video game...omg...
I feel so old saying this but "in my day, we didnt like to use wires.." it seems like we've taken a big leap in quantum communication and reverted to using the good 'ol big humungo bulky wires..i mean its like the whole internet is connected to that thing...not the other way around..
Yes....the humor may be a tad bit on the damp/dry side but if you cant get this gentleman's jokes you really need to go read a book or something...
VS3 is the bestttt!
Leaking tanks...damnnnnnnnn!
OMFG i love you people...
Damn, I grew up on the Rainbow Six franchise......You will be missed Mr. Clancy you difinitly changed my life when I played any R6 title....may you RIP.....and yes Chavez Ding IS my favorite'd you know?!
I'm Hungry!
*cries* trying to buy the shirt...cant find a buy button ANYWHERE please someone help me..they are only 11$ maybe ill buy you a shirt too...just help me find the damn button before they sell them all..plz...TY!
my "wow" moment was the crash cushions...just wow...