
OMG please moar!

power is definitely NOT better than GoT...tf are you smoking?

confused or not i’d still motorboat the living shit out of those funbags!

seems like you have a pest problem!

Wow Jason, thank you so much for that bit of closure!

why do that when its a perfectly good excuse to show a girl your dick on the slide....ezezez 100 100 100

wow you didnt even mention slick daddy?!?!? frankly im a bit dissapointed..dr disrespect IS PUBG..nuff said

you basically paid a woman to “hang out.” With you; You are one sad, sad individual..man OR woman.

Ethan, I understand the need for a story but you have to realize something about all of this. I can fully see how chewing on some sort of thing to relieve stress is much easier than lets say..smoking a cigarette? However; The thing that pisses me off about these announcers is that they are legit out to somehow make


Leah and Riker....shit why couldnt it have been Jordi Laforge?!?

im putting my money on travolta...think about how successful he was back in the late 80's mid 90's...wow think about how far grease took him....and please everyone stop with this tom hanks BS. TH could never harm a soul...let alone a badly deflated volleyball

I heard iOS enough times, not one single word about android..............DOT DOT DOT

just kidding...i love dues ex

furry is just another word for CHOMO...

wow do people actually STILL play this shit game?