
Dude needs to die in prison.

Samhain is, was, and always will be a phenomenal dipshit. Can’t be helped, because he deliberately chooses it on a daily basis.

   So this 80+ year old Cup ‘O Noodles slurpin’, 24/7 f*x news watchin’ curmudgeon of a somewhat human-like being is EXPECTED to NOT have done this? Hell, if anything as one reads his ex-wifes’ story about him we could presume this may have been addressed long before this point but as lazy officers of the law tend to

Assault 1st IS attempted murder in the statute.

It’s not the job of TheRoot writers to cover EVERY story, ya’ dumb fuck.

Yes. All the robbers I know ring the doorbell before coming in and robbing me. The poor kid was looking for his siblings, and this paranoid old man shot him, not once, but twice. F*X, once again, contributes to another shooting in America by the paranoid, racist, vengeful people that watch their channel.

What I took away from the prosecuting attorney’s press conference is that in Missouri, the hate crime laws don’t work as an enhancement, but as an alternate charge. So, for example, a prosecutor can choose to charge someone who committed an, otherwise, misnomer assault with felony hate crime if the circumstances

I guess we know which grandkid is going to get all the guns and klan / nazi memorabilia in the will.

Stand Your Ground makes no sense here.

I know that pretty much EVERYTHING here is terrible, but you have got to marvel at the mindset of, “Take them down to Mud Creek and hang them up with a damn rope. But you can’t do that anymore. They got more rights than we got.”

The biggest true risk facing Florida right now is climate change and lack of affordable homeowner’s insurance. So what does he focus on? Banning books about subjects that make him personally uncomfortable; persecuting teachers, healthcare workers and all women of childbearing age; drag shows; and...Mickey Mouse. What

Absolutely insane that her response was “don’t think about how you can get the money you’re worth for the work you did, think about how to make the company more money while we squeeze you for everything you’re worth.”

“But the most fascinating thing of all is telling people in a capitalist society to not worry about acquiring more capital.” How is that not me calling out capitalism and also where have you been? People have been calling out capitalism in this country for at least one hundred years 

I won’t pretend to know what happens at this particular company, but most corporate jobs do dangle the carrot in front of their employees all year long, which seems to be implied did happen by the “cancelled bonuses” bit here. If your company doesn’t do bonuses anymore then be upfront about it at hiring & don’t say “if

Even without the race aspect (which seems like the likely motive to me), what reason could there be not to hold him? They should be able to charge him with a slew of crimes just from the event and wittle those charges down to the specific appropriate ones as they investigate more.

And there’s the power of Faux News, NewsCracks and other “right wing” brainwashing media.

Pretty sure they do it because they genuinely hate woman. Incels gonna incel.

It’s so strange to me, as a teen and comic book reader in the 90's (pretty much the timeframe all these MCU films come from), so many of the stories were female focused (Jean Grey, Psylocke, Rogue, I can go on...), and these dudes lapped them up and mentally and physically jerked off to them.

Leaked Audio Reveals Tennessee Republicans Are Pissed at Being Made to Seem Exposed as ‘Racist’.