Trot them right out to the recycling bin. “Be gone, you horrible, nagging magazines!” YOU HAVE THE POWER, THE NEW YORKER DOES NOT.
Trot them right out to the recycling bin. “Be gone, you horrible, nagging magazines!” YOU HAVE THE POWER, THE NEW YORKER DOES NOT.
I hope he's alright. He doesn't deserve this. As for the bullfighter, fuck that guy.
This is a really weird power dynamic, and I have to agree that it is super inappropriate. That being said, the student is an adult. Asking mom for support and advice is fine, but she needs to make the complaint herself.
“I think that when you get dressed in the morning, sometimes you’re really making a decision about your behavior for the day. Like if you put on flipflops, you’re saying: ‘Hope I don’t get chased today.’ ‘Be nice to people in sneakers.’” -Demetri Martin
Hey, in Argentina we have a saying - “Más difícil que recular en chancletas.” It means “more difficult than backing away in flip-flops.” Seriously, have you tried it? Those things are killer!
Lambs are so fucking cute. I moved to Scotland last year and this is my first lamb season—I have never squeed so much in my life. They are wondrously springy and I love watching them bouncing around the fields when I’m riding past on the train. My partner has a bunch of sheep farmers in his family and they invited us…
Way to go. I use myfitnesspal as well, and the bigest thing I have learned is responsibility on what I eat, if I did not use something like myfitnesspal I would of never truly learned what I am eating and how much I am vs what I should be eathing and how much I should be eating.
This cat, her name is Moo and she has a problem. She is totally addicted to bed making.
It’s a skill she has perfected over the two years we’ve been forever-buddies - I ask her something complete unreasonable (“please don’t eat my birthday presents”, “please stop using my leather sofa as a toilet”), and that’s the face. Two parts righteous fury at my presumption, one part withering scorn that I have…
While we’re sharing animal photos..I just adopted this goober from the SPCA
Can I just be Team All Cute Things? That’s what I want to be.
This is Cora. She doesn’t understand why I have to make the bed right now, because why don’t I understand that she’s comfy, so sod my OCD need for clean sheets. Adore her though.
Aww. Why don’t you have one? I would be lost without cats. :(
Going strong at year 13. Even the vet is impressed at how amazing Luna has aged.
FWIW, I'm an animal behaviorist who's worked for the last few years for a cat circus (and I'm in vet med now), so AMA you fucking weirdos.
I recommend it as well. My current two are BFF's, even though I got them at different times. Seeing how much they love each other makes me want to guarantee this for the next set, so next time I plan on getting two sibling kittens at the same time
I'll say what everyone, including my big-swinging-dick-self, is thinking:
I have a cat that I ADORE. Don't wait til they're 6 months if you can help it. Typically cats can go up for adoption at 3-4 months immediately after being spayed/neutered. Get them then. This way you are their everything and you know there's no previous baggage it'll take years to overcome. You will get more…
Thank you. ❤️
I hear you brother (sister?), but it's important to remember that your worth as a person is not determined by your body weight. Be kind to yourself, the way you would be to your friends and loved ones. It makes a big difference in how you feel about everything.