
It's OK everyone. Most people think both Jezebel AND Gawker commenters are fucking idiots equally!

We see it that way because it is. She is helping break down the taboo surrounding abortion and she did that knowing the shit that would be thrown at her. That is pretty brave to me.

You're made of epic material and may the FSM bless your keyboard. I'd rather be sentenced to ten gun-control debates than stick my nose in there.

Oh, lord. It's going to be bad enough here, I wouldn't go near this on Gawker on a bet.

So federal funds that were provided to cover relief of hurricane damage are being diverted to construction of future projects that might not even happen? Way to go New York!

wouldn't congestion be better fixed starting in 18 years with free vasectomies and tubal ligations?

I agree wholeheartedly. So maybe he takes these roles because he is interested in them and the process. Does he need the infinity million dollars? You know who was the real Johnny Depp all along? Brad Pitt. All thought the nineties, he supported his troubled-stud-period-dramas like a champ, the golden boy in every

didn't Amber Heard say last year or something that she was a lesbian? I'm so confused over this. Or is that a different Amber?

I've finally in my old age learned a thing or two about folks in your position and I open letter apologize to anyone I was an idiot to. With both parents gone I would say "you HAVE to talk to your parents! You have them! I don't!" As IF those two things are remotely related. Fortunately I figured it out eventually

People who have regular parents...even flawed but slightly normal parents just do not get it and they never will. God bless them. They cant fathom a world where the person who is supposed to be your safe place to fall...the person who is supposed to make everything better...is actually the person you have to protect

If all of that is not to your liking, securely wipe the hard drive, install Ubuntu on it and donate it to your local school system who can then give it to underprivileged families so that kids can use it to do homework, write papers, etc.

So they found a life form higher than a politician with the same amount of slimeyness.

Oh I'm sure she is thrilled.

Oh my bad. I'm not fully versed on the rules for stupid things.

I did a quick estimate of how much money he has in those two bags...

The Canon 1dx (body only) is about 6,800 a piece. x3 that's $20,400.
5D MK III: $3,400
Canon 100-400: $1,700
Canon 70-200mm: $2,500
Canon 24-105mm: $1,150
Canon 24-70mm: $2,300
Canon 16-35mm: $1,700
Canon 8-15mm fish eye: $1,500
Canon 1.4x teleconverter: $500


*Not a Joke*

Yes it is waste water and a 'fracturing compound' (AKA toxic waste). They admit it. It is allowed and nothing they are doing is illegal.

Coming from a state that is in it's "infancy" when it comes to fracking. It fucking sucks. My house is built on piers, which for those that do not know are connected directly to bedrock, and the topsoil is sandy loam. We now have earthquakes daily in the 2.5-3.6 average. My rock masonry is cracked. I have lost 2

Just a disclaimer, I am not 100% anti fracking. But the fracking fluid and flowback can get into the bore hole outside the steel casing and cement and travel up the well directly into the water supply. The failure rate on wells has been found to be extremely high. The only problem is the current form of fracking -

Fracking is very complex. Technology, economic, political and environmental issues all come into play. On the surface you are taking a rural area and turning it into an industrial zone. The local people will loose every time. The biggest environmental factors have to do with runoff and leaks from the ponds that