Bro I like your avatar and I’ma let you finish but I fucking love cheesecake and ain’t no damn cheesecake that looks like that unless you made that shit outta spoiled cottage cheese that you strained.
Bro I like your avatar and I’ma let you finish but I fucking love cheesecake and ain’t no damn cheesecake that looks like that unless you made that shit outta spoiled cottage cheese that you strained.
Iggy Azalea.
I was going to go with a younger Uncle Fester.
Lord forgive me but I immediately thought about how white people don’t have lips so the herpes had to take up residency on his chin.
Looks like Freddie Krueger with oral herpes.
In one of the other articles here dragging him, there was a posted Twitter comment telling him that he looked like he woke up and died every day. I dont think anything will ever top that one.
That’s his authentic, cicra 1996 blaccent. Fun fact: 1996 was also the last time he was even close to relevant.
Yo you ever see how vigorously POC’s defend this cat on social media. This is what’s wrong with our people.....when we be mad at Lebron James (sigh)but we but riding this Fucboys nuts........STAY SMMFH
I heard him on the Denzel Washington podcast and it infuriated me—particularly when he told a story about he and a rapper (I’ve blocked the name) met with Trump. Evidently he was already starting the birther bullshit then—AND THEY DIDN’T SAY ANYTHING because bros, money, some such.
How does someone who looks like bleached mashed potatoes have the nerve to call anyone ashy?
I’m not sure in what universe Mikey here thinks he’s an expert on how human skin should look. He’s rocking a bad case of cheesecake face.
There should be no cookout invites ever. The only question should be whether we let someone take a plate for you, or nah. Some folks ain’t even worth the cost of foil.
My thoughts exactly. Granted, his smile looks kind of forced and awkward, but his new wife and whoever that other woman is look extraordinarily pleased with themselves.
Why would your friend have the guest list to your wedding to have the favors made in the first place? This explanation is very convenient and I think if there is a “friend” who orchestrated this, they would also be the person who would love stepping up and taking credit for their “edgy” humor.
So we are supposed to believe that some bakers don’t want to bake wedding cakes for same sex weddings...but they were able to find a baker to bake a twin towers wedding cake in early September? Where do I live???
True that. But there’s gotta be one of those overlapping circle graphs, where the center, the comic writer, is the nexus of skeeve. See: Woody Allen.
In my experience, comedians no skeevier than writers.
Comedians are incredibly self-interested and paranoid.
I think I was going to explode if you guys didn't cover this story. Thank you for giving it the attention it deserves. Kathleen Hale is a deeply disturbed person. It's horrifying to see so many people—including writers I thought highly of—defend her actions. If she had been a man, no one would be calling her piece…