
Preach on, brotha. Preach on.

You... actually enjoyed 3D? I honestly found it to be one of the worst game I've eve played in my life. I'm not being sarcastic or anything; I honestly think it has some of the worst designs, I'm surprised anyone enjoyed it. More power to you, though :P

Well, loot is *party* of the gameplay, though, as it greatly augments the tactics employ. But assume it didn't have loot; it's still a pretty solid shooter. Slap on a basic, run-of-the-mill Assault Rifle, and you've still got different ways to approach each situation. Different critical-damage points based on

I think we can all agree that strippers are fine in certain situations, and that a work-party probably isn't one of those situations. Let's not get off-track, people.

I agree 100%, I was also a huge fan of Bastila. I think I would have been fine with them just wrapping the story up with a "Happily ever after" vibe, but a sequel to truly flesh out that relationship, amongst other ongoing story elements, would've been pretty outstanding.

I would have to respectfully disagree, as I find that the addition of loot adds a great deal of strategy and creativity in how I wish to build my character.

Same here, I chose the Soldier, who was tallest, but Malak was still noticeably taller. Either way, it's some awesome artwork, though, so it hardly detracts from it!

I have to say, I re-subbed after the game went F2P (which, thinking about it, is kind of redundant), and the game still hasn't received any real polish. I suspect EA pretty much cut their funding entirely, and they're just trying to keep the game running with a skeleton crew, but it's really disappointing. There is

It defintiely looks badass, but does anyone else think it's odd that Malak, who was already abnormally tall, moreso than even the tallest Soldier build, it still substantially shorter than Revan? Plus, in the cutscenes, I always got the impression that Darth Revan was quite short.

I absolutely *LOVED* the movie. Maybe it's all about expectation; I never read the books, and my only previous experience with The Hobbit was a cheesy cartoon released in the 70's or 80's that was full of singing.

Not to mention, it has a fairly distinct tattoo going over the eye on both versions.

If you wore that into your Final Exams, I'm pretty sure the Professors would just automatically give to an A.

Me too, friend. Me too.

Not to mention, the majority of the consoles purchased are still wrapped, waiting for Christmas Day. Plus, as you say, if you wanted to play this game, you probably already own it on another console, and even if you didn't already, you could pick it up a hell of a lot cheaper on such.

Exactly; he's proven himself to be a pretty shitty human-being through his actions, and even interviews with him seem pretty unflattering. The shit that happened with Infinity Ward was immoral as fuck, and when you also consider the working conditions he knowingly puts people in, I can't find much sympathy for him.

Yeah, that seemed in poor taste to me, too.

Honestly, after a tragedy like today, I think we owe to ourselves, and everyone around us, to a least reevaluate the effect violent games have on people. I can't imagine the argument holding ground, but honestly, I think after what happened today, it would be immoral and irresponsible not to consider all possibilities

Yeah, let's Kickstart this bitch! I don't know that we'd be getting them a $25 million budget, but hey; necessity is the mother of invention, right?

I'm glad somebody else thinks that scene was garbage. Honestly, I think they should have just made this guy a brand-new character, or maybe a "reboot" of Nero.

I still just *know* that the goddamn game is going to make me cry. I just know it, deep down in my bones! And that dog-griffon thing is just so freaking adorable, I'm going to totally lose it once that thing inevitably gets hurt... :(