
Some say Leeds are still paying off their debts to this day...

The first time I zoomed the Pip-Boy I did it without noticing and thought I found some weird bug in the game that caused the pip boy to look bigger.

I like this Pepe

You bite your tongue. Days of Thunder is a goddamn American classic.

I hated Black Friday when I worked at Best Buy. Best Buy is also notorious (in my eyes) for throwing on new price tags with the same price, they just say “AS ADVERTISED” to get people to think it’s some great deal when in reality you’re spending the same amount.

Just searched on Philly CL for a Skyline and Doug’s doesn’t come up. I NEED PROOF DAMMIT.

[Jason Campbell gets mildly excited while reciting the alphabet quietly to himself and then sitting back down]

I don’t know what Luiz is so concerned about. The terrorists would just go right between his legs anyway.

I’d be pretty upset too, Mamadou Sahko is hurt for the French National Team.

THANK YOU. Fucking hell I can’t believe I had to hit “load more” to find this.

You have to remember that 75% of gamers probably weren’t even born when those were released. I miss those days though. UT was my shit.

Wait a minute. If you combine the movies Flight and The Walk...Well..

I grew up in New Castle actually! I still live in Pittsburgh though, just a different neighborhood.

I have one from when I was in college. I know it’ll end up stuck in the greys but whatever. Caution, this is LONG and told to the best of my memory.

Warzone sounds an awful lot like Onslaught from Unreal Tournament 2004/UT3. Is that the whole idea behind MOBAs and the like? I never played them. This Warzone mode sounds almost identical to ONS though.

Mfw Americans call runnie-hittie-oblong “football”

I’m sure all the chairs were made after 2010.

This is a valid point.

I got really in RCR at first because it was so crazy and hilarious. Your ridiculous humor was what made it for sure. I know there are still moments of that but it feels like it’s been toned down.

Seems more and more that RCR is jumping the shark. Go back and watch the originals and then watch the new ones. Everything was way darker, weirder, still informative. I don’t know. I could be wrong. I miss old Mr Regular who said really crazy shit (Like the old Tacoma review).