
That’ll keep the fans in until the end of the game!

ohhhh, we playing that game?

Put her head to head with Sabine.....

And the House of Orange rules The Nederlands....

Explains the True Blue!

And Mercedes Benz never ever brought it stateside....never.

When Ya can hear the rotor thump, waaaaay before ya can see it.....

Just another service I provide!

Congratulations! SB tried to kill you!

Tax free didn’t didn’t work for them?

Thank the gods.....And I live in this State.....

In the time of the Chimpanzee I was a Monkey.....

We are still the King of “Look down-Shoot down”....They’ll never see it coming....

NICE. That just means the Crew Chiefs are doing Saki Bombs!

Now if it was a Drop Head Coupe.....I’d vote the other way.

It makes me wonder just what is in the “black”. Is this the evolution to unmanned fighter aircraft?

Their handlers did not want to give them new information.

I’d deploy the “Brown Note”.....

They gotta dig up Bug Eyed Monsters from the past...sheesh, I was waiting for the “Neutron Bomb”....Ya really wanna scare people?....Use the words “May cause anal seepage....”