
Juggling chainsaws...CENTAF puts the Strike Package together. and those HARM Missiles...Somebody's gotta ride the beam down.

Which F-16CM Squadron? YGBSM!

short bus version


The early 90s in Japan, all of the super compact cars were these colors, 3 doors two on the passenger side.

All the difference between "Black" and "Blue"..... makes Ya wonder what is coming from the Black to Blue soon....

Don't forget the Land Rover!

Sweet pic....Being deployed it was always a great relief to see the C-141 instead of 3 C-130s....

I remember the Words and hand jive for the "Swing Low, Sweeeet Chariot". for the F-4E.

My Grandfather built the SBD's during. Keep looking for one.

They put F-16s bases in the middle of nowhere because...well...they plant easily. no engine runs after 1800 hrs because Mrs Col.

<waves hand> Booger Hooking Knuckle Dragger here!

They had us put an F-16 on a F-5 trim pad.....We asked repeatedly "Ya sure?"..OK...Lifted the shackle concrete block 2 inches up and melted the blast deflector.

And Green! That was my favorite time! Working ADVON for 3 Fighter Squadrons.... 3 flipping months in Vegas off base per diem!.....

The "Blue Ring of Power".....

and we will never see it in the states....

On the T-33 you could turn the tube to where it was facing INTO the airstream....

A sponge in a ziploc bag....after a cross country flight I actually had a Seat to Stick Interconnect TRY to hand me one.....I went back down the crew ladder and started the post flight inspection.....