Tits or tires....
Tits or tires....
A hole in the sky you throw money into.....3350 total airframe hours? Ya sure?....not bad at all.
Hey we have a Honda Fit!
How would you load a body into that?
Hit me with that....I'v already got a list of vanity plates going...TOSSER, WANKER, TWAT,......
Have a nice day, what's left of it.....
Nothing prettier than a Regular C-130 dropping a Daisy Cutter.
My Magic 9 ball sees this being put in a pod, and slung off a pylon.....
Col. Kong would be impressed!
So The Fighter Pilot Mafia is losing its MOJO?
You didn't see AAAAAAAnything.....
Those single main tires would peel up the parking aprons, taxiways, and runways.
Massa don' like nuttin' new and shiny on the plantation....
oooohhhh Explorer 1! gimmie gimmie
Just how fast do you wanna go on 2 wheels on a gravel road? The ability to go UNDER the Moose is a plus.
Pssst, hey ya wanna go for a ride?
Saw this on Mental Floss....
The hardware, no problem...the pilots are a tragic loss.
Next time try TWO of them!<Yortech Sistrunk>