<—Looks through incoming mail for requests to convert perfectly good cars to coal-powered resource hogs with lower energy density & higher ongoing costs.....
<—Looks through incoming mail for requests to convert perfectly good cars to coal-powered resource hogs with lower energy density & higher ongoing costs.....
I wonder what the announcers would have said, had we in the US actually retained announcers for F1; well, I just guess we’ll just settle for whatever the world feed says we need to know/see. Thanks goodness there isn’t a knowledgeable Pit Lane reporter to sort it all out on site... Tl;DR Help us Obi Wan Buxton, you’re…
Please say they are gonna re-create the moonshine episode,
I need someone with good photoshop skills to create a giant yellow sign in front of the house with something like “minivan Parking” and an arrow that indicates the vehicle should be on it’s side when parked. if I had the skills, that would appear here instead of text
One of the guitarists (there were a few) lives in my neighborhood. We talk cars all the time
I have a friend with a Buluva Acurton. Kept great time, until it didn’t
The deceased pilots probably haven’t been told they have been selected to be killed, and this gives them time to notify their next two generations of their grand and glorious upcoming deaths. HTH
ooops, read it wrong; it clearly says first time turbocharged 4. Mea culpa
First time ever? Perhaps in this generation, but I had a buddy that had the 2.5l Iron Duke 4 in his F-body in the 1982 3rd Gen Camaro
Mine has no CD drive! But it DOES have a cleverly disguised "faux" door... I wonder who got "my" CD drive. I bet it was Apple, and they are conspiring to make me use iTunes.
I saw a smirk on his face around 46 seconds.
Not all bald, fat white dudes are slow, but the percentage is *significantly* higher in this car
Dodge Caliber. Rental counter said it was nicer and got better mileage than the Focus I had booked.
It was the original "Cotomer Sevis" one that made even my non "car nut" wife laugh out loud http://jalopnik.com/184374/jalopni…
I can just make out in the clip that the driver is using a handheld phone.
Is this a bad time to remind everyone to