Desmond Acksworth

These guys might just replace the Tigers as Canada’s Team.

But he’s Got Style, gotta give him that.

It’s called the SkyDome.

“Hey Cam, you’re so fast. You’re working the judges table AND you’re in the ring? Keep up the good work.”

“Sorry you guys.”

The sun never sets...

905er is a slur in Toronto. So, makes sense I guess.

Such pleasant people.

skateboarders let their boards do the flipping and would never be caught dead using the term “flair”


Should have done these in boardies.

haha what?

You do know you’re commenting on a sports blog, right?

Impossible. God can’t resign.

Yeah he should probably send it in a canvas jumpsuit and wooden telemarks, right?

So it really is All About the Benjamins.

Nice! Thank you!

Potentially stupid questions from a Canadian here:

Hope that fan got that sweet blurry pic.