
Looks like the unholy (yet beautiful) love child of a 2015 Mazda6 and an Aston Martin.

Hyundai hasn’t made an attractive vehicle.

Sometimes if your car doesn’t start, it’s just because the immobiliser chip has been dislodged in the key. Took a vehicle recovery, a confused mechanic and 30 seconds with a screwdriver to fix. 

Couldn’t find the start button? Have you ever driven a car before?

They look like rivets to me. Let’s be honest, if you were that keen to get into that box, you’d probably just crowbar it open anyway.

That’s just a good landing. I believe the plane needs to be able to fly again to justify a great landing.

Very informative, thank you!

So by my reckoning, that makes the Metroliner a “good” landing, and the Cirrus very possibly managed a “great” landing?

All of the other answers are valid, but for me, it protects my hands. I’ve busted a good few knuckles with VR, but I count more time where the loop has protected me from hitting something.

That’s just not accurate. The Quest 2 runs at almost the same resas the proposed PSVR and can do so wirelessly via wifi. Often with no graphical/performance impact.

Doesn’t that sum up all churches really?

I’m very anti-religion, so I can’t claim to have a clear insight into this. This is not to say that I don’t have a live and let live outlook on things - if you want to be a Christian, Jew, Hindu, Pastafarian, Jedi or whatever, go for it.

Looks like the bastard lovechild of a Tesla Model S and a Jaguar XE

I ended up playing the whole of RDR2 first person. Found the shooting and immersion to be more satisfying (on PC). I get why people enjoy 3rd person, but I think it works better on console than PC.

My masters certainly helped me to get to where I am in my career. My bachelors was in English, which as we all know is good for teaching or flipping burgers. My masters was in Marketing Management...and now I am a marketing manager and upped my salary by around £13k over the last 3 years.

Fiat 500 Abarth. Will go all Italian Job and lose them down the alleys. We have lots of alleys in Europe.

I can see my house, but doesn’t look like my house sadly. I did navigate using the local roads to get there from the air though, which was cool.

I dunno, but it sounds disgusting. Much prefer beef curtains...

Really interesting. Thanks.

Same as all the other Alfas then.