
Why does it say White Bread on the back? :/

Looks almost like it's a flip with black. Looks fantastic, I agree.

Overheating Audi in 3...2....1...

There's nothing more disappointing than real life.

That's a dude, dude. The ATC is a woman.

Good job I don't gamble then :P

Alternatively, you pick a Golf and get a C-Elysee...

I like you

I admit, I'm not a statistician. I assumed a number of crashes/disappearances would affect the overall stat in some way?

I know it's easy to knee jerk and cancel any upcoming flights, but let's be reasonable and rational about this (I know, I know. It's the internet and being rational is difficult). Using the old weapon of statistics, right now it actually the safest time to fly, as statistically, the chance of there being another

Looks like temp lights to me. In the next scene you can see a close-up and what looks like a lot of additional external wiring between the lights.

Pretty sure that's called a tram, dude.

Call me when the VXR turns up. Base corsas always look under designed.

This is akin to tapping the top of a can before opening it "to stop it from fizzing over". Yeah. Physics disagrees with you there, kids.

That's how it's pronounced. Think "grazie"

Is correct

I'm British, trololol

It generates environments on the fly using a set of randomised algorithms. Think minecraft.

That thing is huge....18" wide. I was picturing some tiny info panel in every room, like 4" at best, embedded into the wall. Now that would be cool.