As someone who cares about their energy bills, I'll take a pass.
As someone who cares about their energy bills, I'll take a pass.
The word you're looking for is "marketing". Nothing is free, nothing is a bargain.
It feels like it's been in dev since the dawn of time. I don't even care about this game any more. It's been too long.
At the moment, probably not. It's fun for a while, but the bugs and lack of progression gets boring pretty quickly.
I was gonna make a joke, but I'm not, as this is simply sad and tragic. Those poor kids :/
Haha, it does look like a heater in that pic. The camera over-saturates, so the red is a lot less noticeable in person.
As I said in my reply to SidSpaceWalker, I imagine the mid tower one looks ok, but the full tower version looks kinda fugly
The 600T is supposedly a mid, but it must be pushing the boundaries. My friend's Phantom is slightly bigger, so maybe it's the full version. I imagine a smaller Phantom could look pretty sweet.
The NZXT Phantom is ugly in real life. Especially the white version. My friend has one and it's huge, ungainly and plasticky.
lie down along the tracks in the middle and the train will pass over you. Many people have done it deliberately before just for the thrill.
Skip to 9 minutes if you don't give a fuck how it works and just want to see it work.
The standard VXR has a single central exhaust. It's only the Nurburg and Clubsport that have the dual.
I have one. I like their rarity to be honest. Of course, it's a Vauxhall and I'm in the UK, so they're obviously going to be a bit more accessible than in the states.
Once upon a time, a guy/girl raged on the internet about nothing significant. Nobody cared. The End.
Wow. Much Danica. Such butthurt.
And now I've seen the Swansea bus station on Jalopnik. My day is made. I was there like ten minutes ago haha. Haven't seen that taxi yet though, but I'll definitely keep an eye out for it now :P
They even applied it to the H'WHEELS!
I am a Brit, so I guess that works.
As a Brit, I've never heard this before either.