Statesboro Blues

As a former heavy online poker player, the similarities are staggering and hilarious. Free games and $5 to get you onto the site in the first place? Check. Matching deposit bonuses that slowly unlock over the course of weeks so you’ll keep playing? Check. Constant small tournaments that end quickly so you can get the

Also, while you’re at it, root for Ralph Fiennes in Schindler’s List.

Jon Gruden: See, this guy right here. He’s a guy I like to call “Brokey McFuckstick”, because I make around 40% more annually than-

Reminds me of how Floyd Mayweather likes to beat up people with makeup on their face.

I think an Amazon warrior woman credibly speculating about beating up a serial woman-beater is like one of the best feuds ever.

Floyd isn’t holding Back+Down and constantly backdashing... 1/10.

It’s currently legal under a 2006 law, so what they are doing very legal right now. It’s always possible that the laws could be changed, but it’s not like they are trying to evade the law.

Every time I see the commercials it makes me sick that online poker isn’t legal anymore. It’s even the same set up. Pick your stakes, tourney style, number of entrants, guaranteed money etc...

Funny you should mention that, a congressman is raising that very question as we type.

They did a segment on HBO Real Sports about a year ago. It seems like the founders know that this isn’t forever, and they are going to make a mint right now before it eventually gets shut down. I can’t imagine that it’s going to decrease in size by any means since there are soooo many people that don’t even realize

The Feds will come down on them soon enough. One Day Fantasy Football is a fairly new thing (at least as it currently exists) and the government is always about 3-5 years behind on technology.


The biggest problem that I had with Week 1 was not seeing enough about DraftKings or FanDuel. How much money is available? Is it real money? Who can win? Have there been a lot of winners?

The world may never know.

He’s a friar.

The team is now claiming it was an indirect attempt to honor the Native American tradition of bartering.

Well, you know it wasn’t John Cena because this guy actually sold the gunshot.

It literally takes two minutes to read the article.

Cyborg is obviously pumped up full of steroids hence her squared off jaw. Cyborg can always cut weight and pass a drug test if she wants to claim the title. Rousey has all the accolades and all the fame... cyborg is the one that needs to make the effort if she wants to prove anything. Until then Rousey is considered

Beyond that even the studies that they’re wanting to claim say that trans women don’t have advantages over cis women actually say nothing of the sort, all they say is that a trans woman will have lower hormone and bone density levels than a man. At no point do they ever attempt to claim that a trans woman won’t still