She is so right. Guns in America are a women’s rights issue. I don’t know why we let men get away with turning our country into a real life kill-or-be-killed video game.
She is so right. Guns in America are a women’s rights issue. I don’t know why we let men get away with turning our country into a real life kill-or-be-killed video game.
I casually asked my very conservative father his opinion of Donald Trump as a candidate. He said Trump wasn’t his favorite candidate but that he had been “misunderstood” in the comments he made about Mexico. Also, he would vote for Trump if it was Trump vs. Hillary.
One time when I was really poor and didn’t have health insurance, a PP nurse practitioner gave me antibiotics also appropriate for an upper respiratory infection when I originally went in for a UTI (I was really, really sick). They definitely saved me from having to go to the hospital pre-ACA and incurring impossible…
Personally I just wear sunglasses to bed.
On Friday, South Carolina removed the Confederate flag that has flown over the state’s capitol for more than 50…
Those poor Christians! The underrepresented majority. It’s not like six of the nine Supreme Court Justices, 91.8% of Congress, and the President of the United States are all Christian or something!
Genuinely teared up watching this video as she started quoting scripture. You’re a hero, Bree.
It’s unfortunate he couldn’t just say that there’s no real need for a First Lady. I’m sure he has friends of either gender who have uncontroversial pet causes that he can bring attention to, and I’m equally sure the White House staff is capable of putting on state dinners without a figurehead.
Ireland will become the first country to legalize gay marriage through popular vote. Though the country isn’t done…
They say worrying does you no good, but worrying productively can actually get you through anything
I too just announced my plan to run for President on Twitter. My platform is subsidizing tampons, ensuring everyone gets a bagel for breakfast, and pushing for mandatory Monday naptime.
It was
There's such a thing as a "legal opinion" and possibly a lawyer who would like to be clear that she or he is not expressing a legal opinion might still want to differentiate. Similarly, doctors and others may have a "professional opinion" that is distinct from a "personal opinion" they might express. Then there are…
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo!
Personal opinion
True fact
That's a beautiful image.
In my head it was him, crying, dragging his blankie by the corner, saying it with a period after each word, between heavy sob-sighs.