Thank you for calling these spineless abominations terrorists. Because that’s exactly what they are. They aren’t patriots, they aren’t American. They’re defacing our country and, quite literally, wreaking terror.
Thank you for calling these spineless abominations terrorists. Because that’s exactly what they are. They aren’t patriots, they aren’t American. They’re defacing our country and, quite literally, wreaking terror.
All these “low” approval ratings in the 30s aren’t really doing it for me. How is it still that high??? (I of course know why)
While millions of refugee children/children of immigrants/etc. get ripped away from their parents and/or denied access to a country and healthcare that could *actually* help them. Fuck everything.
The most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen in my life occurred on the Metro in DC. Note that during my years riding the Metro, I saw and smelled every body fluid imaginable, people in every imaginable state of undress, etc., you know...the usual for a subway system. But all of that paled in comparison to the Milk…
He is so fucking socially awkward you almost pity him until you remember he’s the orange devil incarnate.
I second this. Also, as a woman with “a butt of a fuller variety”, I still assume that a man can see my butthole during doggystyle. Do I care? No. Does he care? I don’t care if he does. I’ve never had complaints either way.
No judgement here you are very much entitled to as many naps are as humanly possible.
Why is no one getting the joke? Where am I?
Maybe Nymeria will be the only character from the first episode to live to see the end of the show.
Arya meets with Nymeria and her wolfpack.
This has nothing to do with finding voter fraud. It is simply a prelude to further voter suppression under the guise of a crackdown.
There’s no parole in the Federal system. She has to serve 85% of her sentence in prison, and she may serve the remaining 15% in a halfway house.
Waiting for those assholes who were just sooo sure the cops were telling the truth, who claimed that OF COURSE these Black teenagers were drunk and breaking the law and tried to run the cops over. OF COURSE this cop wasn’t lying. If these kids weren’t doing anything wrong, they wouldn’t have been shot. Because the…
i’ve been doing tons of baking and cooking to avoid writing my paper. i have two left and then i’m done with grad school FOREVERRRRR!!! so i made dorie greenspan’s yogurt pound cake, and i think i’m going to have breakfast pasta for dinner. how about you?
Wait... this is on Fox? FOX?????
I’m so damned sad that Arnold Palmer passed away, because this commercial had real sequel potential.
Ok. Brendan Fraser in the Mummy was the awakening of my young loins. The pants, the guns, the pithy comments, all under the crown of that Devon Sawa hair. The man was beautful. This is indisputable. HOWEVER, I’m not sure if you’ve seen the poor man RECENTLY but god, that good thing went bad. So really, you’re both…
Bless you for having the patience to break this all down for that fool.
I’ll tackle that second question. To preface this, I am transgender and medically transitioning.