To applaud how far we’ve come:
To applaud how far we’ve come:
At this point, I am just glad he wasn’t shot.
This comment is bad.
The irony here is so delicious this post could almost be considered Foodspin.
Shows what you know. Our God is an Awesome God, so he only uses Linked In and Tumbler.
an actor and also a wifebeater
My experience with Delta, as a brown lady. Three years ago, flying from a meeting in Detroit to SF, standing in the premier line. Gate agent repeatedly tries to shoo me out of the line a good 10 minutes before boarding was going to start. Mind you he approached none of the other (white, male) passengers in the…
Both my mother and I have wondered the same. Also worth noting: after President Obama was elected, it seemed like there was an increase of police brutality against black men (and some women).
The most serious issue of this election is not Donald Trump. It’s people who support Donald Trump.
She’s Caucasian. She’s not white.
DListed forever!
Have any of us been the same since Prince died?
Yeah, if we want to be shallow (and why the hell not, this is a Dirt Bag post), we can point out that Jen has since moved on to a younger and very handsome man who appears to bathe far more often than her ex. Why would anyone think that she’s still secretly pining for Pitt?
Plus, breakup beard.
Why don’t you take a moment to think about this callous and irrelevant remark?
You forgot “and for existing”
“funny how you don’t criticize women of color for straightening their hair.”
I’d buy that explanation if they didn't put themselves in front of photographers every 5 seconds.